Chapter 25 - Four Champions?

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Later on in the evening, everyone had gathered in the Great Hall for dinner. The Herd had managed to sit next to each other at the Gryffinfor table.

"Well, has everyone had a good day?" Erica asked.

"Mhm. Some of the other students have transferred into our classes." Hermione told them.

"Ooh, which ones?"

"I think I saw one in potions." Parker looked at them.

"They all seem to be getting along with everyone." Harry nodded.

"I've got on with a girl called Sana." Parker hummed.

"I haven't spoken to any of them yet." Erica sighed.

"Some of them are nice." Ron shrugged.

"I need to talk to them... I'll get around to it." Erica took a sip from her glass of water

"Just take your time." Parker rubbed her arm as Dumbledore stood.

"The moment you've all been waiting for... The champions of this years Triwizard Tournament." Dumbledore announced.

"I hope Ced is Hogwarts' champion." Erica hummed.

"We'll just need to see." Harry sat back.

Just like that, the Goblet spewed out red fire and a piece of paper flew out and fell into Dumbledore's hand.

"The Durmstrang Champion... Viktor Krum."

"Of course it is." Parker rolled her eyes as the Durmstrang boys cheered and Krum walked to the front.

Then the Goblet turned red again and another piece of paper fluttered down.

"The Champion from Beaubatons... Fleur Delacour."

Some cheers were heard from the girls at the Beaubatons table as Fleur walked up to Krum.

"Now for the Hogwarts." Ron tapped on the table.

Just then, the goblet turned red for the final time and down flew the last piece of paper.

"And for the Hogwarts Champion... Cedric Diggory!"

"Yes! Cedric!" Erica clapped.

Cedric was cheered on by his peers, joining the other two champions... But as he did, the fire from the goblet roared and another paper flew out.

Dumbledore caught it and looked around slowly,"Harry Potter?"

"Harry?" Hermione quickly turned.

"He's only fourteen, how- You can't have put your name in the goblet." Parker blinked.

"We've been with him the whole time." Erica shook her head.

"Well, he's in, isn't he?" Ron rolled his eyes.

Harry slowly stood and walked forward to Dumbledore, them sharing looks before Harry left to join the others.

"Well... That's not gonna go down well." Erica glanced over at the Hufflepuff table.

"Fuck." Parker whispered.

"They're gonna be really angry."

"If they say anything bad to you, let me know. Okay?" Parker looked at her.

"Okay." Erica nodded.

"Let's head back to our common rooms." Hermione suggested.

"Yeah.. Night, you two." Ron nodded as he got up.

"Night." Parker waved, the duo walking off only to be stopped by Max... Again.

"How come your Potter friend got in if he's only fourteen?"

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