Chapter 23 - Quidditch World Cup

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The Dursleys were in the back garden, enjoying the sun and summer while Harry stayed in the kitchen as he looked for some food.

That's when the phone started to ring.

Harry looked out the back door, making sure the Dursleys didn't hear it before he answered it,"Hello?"

"Harry!" Ron shouted down the phone,"Can you hear me?"

"Woah- I think half of Surrey can hear you."

There was a brief scuffle before another voice came through the phone.

"Sorry- He still doesn't know how to use this thing." Erica sighed.

"Hi Erica." Harry held his head,"What's going on?"

"Well, are you coming to the Quidditch World Cup or not. You haven't answered any of my letters!"

"I haven't been getting them."

"Well, I sent them." Erica crossed her arms,"Tell you what, how about we come get you?"


"... Now?"

"Now?" Harry's eyes widened.


"Okay, let me pack."

"Pacl quickly, well be there soon."

"Okay." He sighed and hung up, running upstairs.

Harry quickly began to pack what he thought he'd need and before long... He heard a crash coming from the living room.

"Oh no." Harry cursed and ran downstairs with his case.

That's when he saw Erica, Ron, Fred, George and Mr Weasley stood in the living room, and the fireplace that was once boarded up was now a mess.

"Uh... Welcome." Harry waved while Vernon ran in

"What the bloody hell is going on in here?" Vernon yelled. Erica hid behind Ron, she didn't like him.

"Mr Dursley! I'm Arthur Weasley. It's nice to finally meet you." He held out his hand.

Uncle Vernon glared at Mr Weasley,"This is breaking and entering."

"Not really- We asked Harry."

"You brought them here?"

"Mr Dursley, may I ask what the function of a rubber duck is?" Arthur asked.

"What the- Potter, get your freaky people out of my house." Vernon ordered.

Meanwhile, Erica nudged Fred. Fred then smirked and dropped a small bag of sweets.

"Oh." Erica acted surprised and tried to pick them up,"So clumsy."

Dudley noticed and as discreetly as he could, snatched a couple.

"Nice one." George whispered to his siblings.

Erica smiled as she watched Dudley eat the sweets and... His tongue began to swell.

"I'm afraid we have to go Vernon. It was lovely meeting you." Arthur grabbed his floo powder.

But Vernon turned and noticed what was happening to Dudley as Erica giggled.

"Harry, quickly here now." Arthur quickly rushed him over, he was going to kill his kids.

Harry looked between the two families before walking over to the Weasleys. Arthur quickly flicked his wand to fix Dudley's tongue before leading the others to the fireplace.

"The Burrow." Arthur threw the powder to the ground.

They soon arrived at the Weasley house where Erica and the twins started laughing.

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