Chapter 8 - The Philosopher's Stone

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The following morning, all of them had received notes at the breakfast table.

"What's this?" Parker picked her's up.

Harry scanned the note,"Our detention."

"Oh for goodness sake." Neville put it down.

"It's our own fault." Erica shrugged.

"My gran's gonna kill me."

"Mum's gonna kill you." Ron pointed at Erica.

"Everyone will kill us." Parker held her head

"Nothing we can do about it now." Erica sighed, having practically accepted it already.

"Ron, can't you just take our place?"

"Wh- No! You're the ones who got caught." Ron raised his hands.

"I don't want to spend it with my brother."

"I'll stand in between you two to create distance." Erica told her.

"He doesn't like you though." Parker turned to him.

"So? I can kick him. Nobody will notice." Erica whispered.

Parker laughed and shook her head.

"I don't think kicking Malfoy will gain us any favours at the moment." Harry sighed.

"But you'd love to do it." Parker smiled.

"I can't lie, really would." Harry nodded slowly,"But I'm trying to avoid more trouble than I've already caused myself."

"Well, I guess I'll see you all at Detention." Parker got up from her seat.

"Bye Parker." Erica waved.

"Bye." Parker waved and walked off.


Just before eleven o'clock that night, the four of them, Harry, Hermione, Neville and Erica, said goodbye to Ron and made their way to the entrance hall.

Already awaiting them in the hall was Filch along with Parker and Draco.

"Hi guys." Parker smiled.

"Hi, Parker," Hermione waved and Erica smiled.

"Follow me." Filch instructed, walking ahead of them with a lantern in hand.

"I don't see why I can't walk with them." Parker whispered to Draco.

"They got us into this mess, Parker. Draco hissed.

"Well you got yourself into trouble." Parker muttered.

"Why were you helping them?" Draco glared at the Herd.

"Because they're my friends."

"They aren't deserving of being your friends." Draco scoffed.

"Then who is?" Parker crossed her arms.

"Me." Draco crossed his arms as well, There's Blaise and Pansy. You know, Pureblood Slytherins."

"I don't care about blood-"

"Well father does."

"Well father isn't here." Parker rolled her eyes.

"But he knows, Parker." Draco shook his head.

"Only cause you're a snitch."

"He asked me to watch you, I'm just doing what was told."

Parker uncrossed her arms and walked on ahead, leaving Draco behind. Erica noticed and sped up so she could walk beside her best friend

"Hey." Parker looked at her.

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