Chapter 34 - The Order of the Phoenix

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After Christmas and New Year, the Herd went back to Hogwarts. They were walking in the courtyard when Harry ran up to them.

"Hagrid's back." Harry smiled,"Let's head down."

"Sounds great." Ron nodded.

"Come on." Parker hummed and walked down to Hagrid's hut, knocking on the door.

Hagrid opened the door to them,"Hello, you lot. Not been getting into too much trouble, have you?"

"Where have you been?" Hermione smiled.

"Oh, I was doing a job with the Order." Hagrid told her,"Work with giants."

"You found the giants?" Ron asked while they walked in, sitting down.

"Did so." Hagrid nodded,"I don't think it went well though, not sure if they're with us."

"I can tell. The scars on your face tell us that." Harry pointed.

"We did try." Hagrid sighed.

"You did your best, that's all you could do." Erica told him.

"Besides, I needed to stay there to look after Grawp?" Hagrid shook his head.

"Sorry, who?' Ron blinked.

"I shouldn't not have said that... I shouldn't have said that-"

"Hagrid. Who is Grawp?" Hermione asked him.

"Oh, he's my... He's my half brother." Hagrid sighed,"He got the full giant while I didn't."

"Well, if you take care of him, where is he?" Harry asked.

"Nowhere. Don't you worry about it." He pointed,"You all better get back before that Umbridge catches you."

"She won't." Erica sighed as she got up.

"Be careful." Hagrid nodded.

"We will, don't worry." Hermione assured him as they all started walking back to the castle.


After the feast and all of the announcements, the Herd and friends were at the Gryffindor table talking when Neville walked up with a newspaper in his hand.

"What's in the paper, Neville?" Hermione asked him, noticing his nervousness.

"I... Look." Neville handed her the paper.

Bellatrix Lestrange along with a lot of Azkabans prisoners had escaped. It was the headline... Everywhere.

"Oh dear.." Erica shook her head before hugging him,"I won't let her hurt you."

Neville smiled softly and hugged her.

"I can try and spy on Draco, he's closer with my parents so he might know something about her." Parker added.

"You've got a scary resemblance though, Parker." Ron held the paper up to her, showing the curls and the streak was the same.

"Don't say that, Ron." Hermione sighed,"They're related, of course They're going to look similar."

"She could be your mum." Ron joked.

"Not funny." Parker slapped his arm.

"Yeah... Not funny." Erica shook her head.

"I have an idea for the DA meeting tomorrow." Harry looked around, making sure no one heard.

"An idea?"

"Patronus charms."

"Good idea.' Hermione nodded.

"It will help us, especially if we're going to be getting attacked." Harry looked at them.

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