Chapter 14 - Friend of Stone

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Parker finally got back to the Slytherin Common Room, sitting down on the couch. Blaise soon walked in, book in hand, the one Parker had gotten him

"Oh, hi Blai- Blaise!" Parker shot up, remembering what she needed to do.

Blaise chuckled,"Hey Parker, what's gotten you so excited to see me?"

"Oh- Well I just... Wanted to know what you think of the book."

"Oh, it's great! I haven't finished it though."

"Well why don't you come and talk to me about it?" Parker sat up.

"Sure." Blaise smiled.

Parker patted the seat beside her. Blaise sat next to her, placing the book on his lap.

"So... What do you think of it?"

"It is amazing, I've barely been able to put it down!"



"Hey... I have a question."

"Go on?"

"You know how you're friends with my brother?"

"Yes?" Blaise nodded slowly.

"I was wondering... Has he ever mentioned the Chamber?"

"I mean, in passing." Blaise shrugged,"I reckon he's blaming Potter."

"But Harry hasn't did anything." Parker shook her head

"I mean, obviously. It's Harry Potter, I hardly think he's Slytherin's Heir."

"Someone is setting him up."

"I have, uh, tried to have words with Draco. He's, how can I put this, hard to convince?"

"You're just realising that now?" Parker smiled.

"I haven't tried to convince him of much." Blass sighed.

"Trust me, I've had years of practice."

"He's so stubborn."

"I know." Parker smiled,"I was so annoyed with him one time so I put green hair dye in his shampoo."

"You did?"

Parker laughed,"I did. I also added pink. I got grounded for a couple months for it but it was so worth it."

"I bet it was." Blaise laughed.

"He refused to leave the house."


Parker sighed,"Can I ask you something else?"

"Uh, sure?"

"Have you ever noticed that me and Draco... Aren't alike?"

"Personality wise? Yeah."

"Don't I look different as well? I mean, mum has some black hair but she told me she dyed that." Parker leaned back on the couch.

"I mean.." Blaise studied her face,"Maybe you have a point... You might've just taken after another family member."

"My aunt Andromeda talked about her other sister, she's got fully black hair... That might be it." Parker shrugged.

"It could be." Blaise sighed.

"Genes, am I right?" Parker chuckled.

"Genes." Blaise nodded with a smile.


Neville sat down in the great hall, putting his wand down.

"Nev!" Erica skipped over.

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