Chapter 17 - Padfoot

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"Why do you always need to be like this?" Hermione groaned.

"Its not my fault, you're the one that got a cat." Ron pointed.

"Crookshanks doesn't even like rats."

"I've seen the way he looks at Scabbers!"

"Scabbers is vermin." Hermione pointed.

"What have I missed?" Harry chuckled as he walked downstairs.

"Nothing much, just them fighting like an old married couple." Erica sighed,"I'm sick of it."

"They act like it most of the time." Harry sat down,"When did you all get here?"

"A while ago, Parker got here after us."

"She's probably still sleeping." Ron muttered.

"Ron." Erica nudged him.

"What? She sleeps a lot."

"And you eat a lot."

"I'm a growing boy."

"You're tall enough." Erica shrugged.

Ron rolled his eyes and sat down.

"Morning- Oh hi Harry." Parker waved.

"Hey Parker." Harry waved back,"What are you doing here?"

"I just came early, didn't want to travel with Draco and my parents." Parker shrugged

"That's undertsandable."

"How was Egypt?" Parker smiled to Erica.

"Oh, it was good." Erica smiled, handing her a small pouch,"I got you this."

"You got me something?" Parker took the pouch and opened it.

"Mhm, do you like it?"

"I love it. I'll add it to my collection." Parker hummed.

"Yay! I spent a lot of time doing yours.' Erica smiled.

"Spent three hours straight, not to mention her trying to pick the best rock. I don't know how she does it." Ron sighed.

"Rocks are great." Parker nodded to Ron.

"But they all looked the same."

"They were different!"

"They're different to her." Parker assured him.

Ron sighed and nodded, he understood.

"Regardless, I love it." Parker put the rock in her pocket.

"I'm glad!" Erica smiled.

"Hey, what have missed?" Ron pointed to the Wanted picture of a man.

"Oh, that's Sirius Black. Haven't you heard? He escaped from Azkaban." Hermione shook her head.

"I've been in Egypt, 'Mione." Ron pointed out.

"It was fairly recent, Ronald. Hang on... Black, that's your family." Hermione pointed at Parker.

"Honestly if doesn't surprise me now." Parker looked at the man, tilting her head.

"Looks pretty angry, maybe he needs some chocolate." Erica hummed.

"Chocolate helps everyone." Harry agreed.

"See? Someone gets it." Erica smiled.

"Hello everyone." Molly walked over.

"Hi mum.' Ron nodded to her.

"Everyone got everything? Train leaves soon." Molly clapped.

"Oh- Right. Let's go." Harry zipped up his hoodie.

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