Chapter 51

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Slenderman rubbed his temple in distress as he listened to the conversation the pastas were having in the living room.

"What are we going to do if she doesn't wake up?" Jeff yelled at the others who were in the room.

Slenderman stared at the ground as his thoughts consumed him. She's been unconscious for two weeks, and Zalgo attempted to murder her a week ago. E.J had made it clear if she doesn't wake up today, it'll be less likely that she ever will. The pastas were slowly losing hope including Slenderman and his brothers. After all, she wasn't showing any signs that she would wake up soon.

Slenderman couldn't bear to think about her death. He knew he was the cause of it and was already paying the price. It was one thing being told she died and her dying in front of him was another. He didn't want to think what would happen if she took her last breath.

If she woke up, Slenderman promised himself that he would set her free after Zalgo dies. He had forced her to stay and serve him, not thinking about what she would have wanted if she wasn't his proxy. He just needed to make sure she wouldn't run into danger.

He looked up at the pastas who were patiently waiting for his reply. It was another reminder he would set them free as well once Zalgo is killed. If that meant he would be living alone in the mansion, he would accept that fate. It's what he deserved after all.

"For now we can all just patiently wait for her awakening. As much as I wish she wakes up soon, we have to prepare for the worst."

The pastas stood silent at what he had said. Neither of them was prepared to say goodbye to her for good.

"She's known to make grand entrances," Masky broke the silence. "From her coming back from her mission after we thought she died in the explosion, from her revealing her presence when Zalgo influenced her, and then her being by the doorstep. I would be surprised if she can pull it off though."

Slenderman stood up, avoiding his gaze toward the pastas. "If you excuse me, I'll be in my office until E.J finishes running exams for Y/N. I'll be in her room for the remainder of the day." He picked up the book he was reading off the table and walked away from the group.

The image of her dying in his arms, flooded in. For years he believed her death would mean little to nothing to him. He realized too late what was at stake though. Not only would he be miserable, but the pastas and his brothers would be too. She couldn't die. He wouldn't let her.

He rested his forehead on the office door. Taking a deep breath, he tried to get rid of that horrific image that haunted him. There was blood in his hands as he held her corpse. Her lifeless eyes stared back at him as Zalgo's laughter got louder each second.

He tightly twisted the doorknob and dropped his book at the sight in front of him once he had opened the door.


I sighed as I kept my gaze on his desk for a few seconds before turning around to glare at him.

"You shouldn't be here, you're supposed to be resting in bed."

I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms in front of my chest and leaned my lower back onto his desk. "Last time I checked, I'm not marked by you so I don't have to follow your stupid orders."

Slenderman tilted his head to the side. He was caught off guard by my response. "Y/N you've been out for two weeks. You cannot expect your body to be as strong as it was."

"Don't pretend as if you care."

"I do!"

A small smirk formed on my lips as I recalled what I heard after Zalgo stabbed me. I mocked him, "Punish me, not them! Don't let him win! We need you Y/N! I need you." We both stood there in silence as we didn't take our gazes off each other. "For a few seconds, I actually believed you-"

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