Chapter 14: Weird Christmas Party

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The feast of blessings

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The feast of blessings.

Scarlett remembered the feast of blessings. A bunch of people from the community offered gifts to the witches in exchange for their blessings. It was like a weird Christmas for witches.

Scarlett was never allowed to participate or get gifts from anyone. The coven only wanted regular witches to participate. That left Scarlett to watch everyone else to get gifts like it was Christmas as she stood by her mother's side and watched.

But, according to Davina, this year would be different.

"Come on!"

"No!" Scarlett exclaimed with a smile, turning to the next page in her book. It was a book that one of the werewolves had given to her as a peace offering. "That feast gives me way too many flashbacks. You better be glad that I'm even going."

"Scarlett, you're one of the most powerful witches in history." Davina reasoned. "Things are finally changing and you can participate."

Scarlett sighed, looking away from her book and to Davina. "Who would even get me anything?"

"Everyone!" Davina responded positively. "You ran this town and people enjoyed it. At least the vampires did. And now with your new alliance with the wolves, you'll be getting stuff from them too! Please?"

Scarlett tried containing the smile that she hid but she failed. "Fine!"

Davina clapped happily, proud of herself for being able to convince the stubborn hybrid. Scarlett let her smile free, listening to Davina as she prepared her outfit for the night.


Davina had spoke with the rest of the witches and convinced them to let Scarlett participate. They were against it but the witch had reminded them how she could kill them with a snap of her finger. So, they accepted.

Scarlett was preparing her outfit for the party when she got a call from Klaus. She picked up the phone, hesitant to answer until she did. She placed the phone to her ear, getting ready for the madness that was Klaus Mikaelson. "What do you want?"

Klaus noticed her tone of voice. "Uh oh, who pushed your buttons today? I'll murder them."

"No one." She replied, sitting down on her bed. "I just didn't expect you to call."

"Well, are you going to the Feast of Blessings tonight?" He asked her, not wanting to seem too desperate.

"Umm, yeah." She stammered. "Why?"

"I was planning on getting you a gift." He admitted. "I heard it's your first year participating."

"It is." She confirmed. "Don't get me anything though. Davina already has a whole line of people wanting to give gifts for me."

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