Chapter 31: The Grinch

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Author's Note: I just finished Villains of Circumstances, that Kai Parker fanfic and it was so good

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Author's Note: I just finished Villains of Circumstances, that Kai Parker fanfic and it was so good. CHEF'S KISS! I recommend reading it! Anyways, enjoy this chapter!


Scarlett stood inside of a vacant prison cell with no one, not even a guard, to supervise her. She folded her arms over her chest, already bored with being inside the cell when she heard footsteps approaching. She looked towards the entrance of the room until a man walked past the entrance.

The man found his place, leaning against the brick wall outside of the cell as he stared at Scarlett.

"Hello? Where am I?"

No answer.

"What happened?"

No answer.

Scarlett sighed in defeat, turning away from the man until she heard the sound of keys jingling. She turned back to see the man standing right in front of her cell. He was smirking evilly at her, his smile slowly starting to widen each second.

Scarlett stared at the sight, slightly creeped out when blood started to drop from the man's mouth. As his smile started to grow bigger, the amount of blood flowing from his mouth started to increase heavily.

Scarlett woke up with a gasp erupting from her. She sat up in bed quickly, looking at her surroundings when she heard her phone ring on the nightstand beside her bed. She lifted up her phone for her to see when she saw the contact. Elijah.


"Is it a bad time?"

Klaus turned towards the voice in the room to see Scarlett, leaning against the wall near the door. "Scarlett. Ah, yes. As I've recently proved disagreeable, I assume Elijah asked you here to play therapist to the savage beast."

"Oh, shut up." Scarlett sighed as she rolled her eyes, finding his paranoia to be irritating. "I was just gonna say you look like you could use some fresh air. Maybe we could go for a walk? You can spend, like, five seconds not obsessing about who not to trust, and who you're gonna murder next?"

"I quite enjoy my obsessions, thank you very much." Klaus retorted harshly, turning back to his painting. "Fear not, I shall tell Elijah you came as asked, and you may leave assured your duty is fulfilled."

"Klaus. Just talk to me. Please." Scarlett begged him.

He turned back to her, looking away from his painting before nodding in her direction, accepting her offer.


"Have you ever thought about how hard it must have been for Freya, being raised by this woman?" Scarlett questioned Klaus, placing her cup of coffee onto the table. "I mean, you of all people should at least have some compassion for that."

Vulnerable / Klaus Mikaelson {Book 1} (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now