CHAPTER- 30.2 (H-1)

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Author's POV:

Jungkook approached the doctor before anyone could.

"H-How is she? Tell me she's fine, tell me she has made it, please." Jungkook approached the doctor.

"M-Mr. Jeon, she's fine for now. Her body is weak due to the torment, so we kept her in observation. She'd wake up in a few hours." The doctor spoke.

"We're shifting her to the VIP ward. The nurse will take you there and then you can meet her. One at a time, please." The doctor spoke as Jungkook was relieved.

Jin followed the doctor as the doctor wanted to talk about Y/n's health.

"She's fine." Taehyung smiled as he saw her from the threshold of the OT.

Soon the nurse shifted her to the VIP ward.

"You can meet her, sir. But, please one at a time. The patient's condition is critical. We should be careful." The nurse bowed.

Jungkook went in with steady steps, Y/n was not conscious. The sedatives were given to put her to sleep for a while.

"Y/n-ah," Jungkook spoke as he sat beside her taking her bandaged hand in his.

"I'm sorry. I-I couldn't protect you." His voice crooked as he caressed her hand.

"I'm sorry, I was a bad husband. A bad love." He sobbed, tears flowed down his cheek.

"I'm sorry. I-I promise, I will do better. P-Please don't leave me." He sobbed.

"I'm sorry, baby." He broke down.

He was afraid, afraid to lose her, afraid to see her hate him, afraid to lose the person he loves the most, his Y/n.

"Mr. Jeon, the meeting minutes are completed. Please wait outside as we check up on her." The nurse spoke politely.

Nodding, we walked off.

"How is she?" Yoongi asked as Jungkook walked out.

"She's fine." Jungkook wore a pleasant smile.

"Hyung, what are you saying? What does that mean? S-She's fine, right?" They heard Namjoon screech.

"Namjoon-ah, don't screech!!! They might hear." Jin shushed him

"What are you hiding from us, hyung? Jimin asked, followed by others.

"Hyung, I think there's something I should know. What's it?" Jungkooka asked sternly.

"Fine, it's about Y/n." Jin sighed as he sat on.

Jungkook fell silent.

"S-She's depressed. And." Jin cut himself off with a sad facade.

"And?" Taehyung asked.

The room was getting tense.

Yoongi was tense, what?

"She was on her drugs from last year, to get out of depression. And that drugs are having a negative effect on her. Doctor's saying she might fall into a coma if this continues." Namjoon spoke hesitantly.

"B-But they said she's fine." Hoseok chose to speak.

"Hoseok, Y/n's fine for now. But, if she continues to do drugs after waking up, she'd be having problems. She should stop taking drugs." Jin sple sternly.

"I will make her stop, hyung. Don't worry." Jungkook spoke walking away to Y/n's ward.

The ward.

There she was, lying on the bed with slight brusies on her face, along with a bandage on her head paired with a cast on her right hand. Sleeping peacefully with a beeping machine beside her.

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