Part 1

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jisung, my boyfriend of two years, asked me for the thousandth time in the past half our. I bit my lip and shook my head nervously. Jisung smiled and kissed me gently to ease my mind.

"Don't be nervous okay? I'll go slow." He whispered and caressed my cheek. I knew he was holding back, I could see it in his eyes. He knew it was my first time. My parents and brother, Hyunjin, were out of town for the weekend and had told me Jisung could stay over. At first things were really just sweet and soft, nothing more than cuddling on the couch. Things got heated once we had a tickle fight on my bed while watching a movie and that leads us to where we are now.

3 weeks later
We were one week into senior year and everyone was ready to get their diplomas and get out. This was it. This was was the golden year everyone fantasizes about. This was supposed to be the best year of our lives.

I was getting something out of my locker when I felt a pair hands grab my waist and turn me around. I was met with my smirking boyfriend as my heart pounded.

"You scared me!" I whined and hit his chest. The smirk on his face grew as the grip on my waist got tighter.
"Awe I'm sorry baby." He cooed and kissed my cheek. Just then we heard a gagging sound and saw my best friend Felix and Hyunjin coming towards us.
"Ew get a room you two!" Felix kept pretending to throw up, making Jisung and I laugh.

"You're just jealous!" Jisung stuck his tongue out at Felix, making both of them crack up.

"Can you two stop playing kissy face and get lunch with us?" Hyunjin groaned. I rolled my eyes and Jisung laughed.
"Alright alright," Jisung chuckled and started to walk away while holding my hand, "babe, you coming?"

I nodded and the four of us headed off to lunch. We sat down at the table and the boys all started to dig into their lunches.
"Y/N aren't you gonna eat?" Felix asked me.
"Yeah you didn't eat breakfast this morning." Hyunjin gave me a look of concern.
"Wait you're not eating? What's wrong?" Jisung stared at me with concern in his eyes.

"Nothing's wrong I've just been feeling a little bit sick lately." I mumbled. Jisung immediately started feeling my face to make sure I wasn't sick.
I grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands off my face.
"I'm OKAY guys I promise!" I reassured them. Jisung pouted and I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I'm fine Sungie." I looked him in his cute, big, worried eyes to attempt to make him believe me. The pout didn't leave his face but he did continue to eat his lunch.

"So Channie said we can all get together at our place this weekend!" Felix enthused. Chan was Felix's older brother, they moved here when Felix was in middle school and Chan was a freshman in high school.

"Awesome!" Hyunjin cheered. Soon enough the bell rang saying that lunch was over. The rest of the day dragged on just like the rest of the week. Finally it was the weekend and we were all gathered at Chan and Felix's apartment. We were eating dinner when another wave of nausea hit me. This had been happening on and off for about two weeks and I was starting to get worried.

"Y/N are you okay? You look like you're gonna be sick?" The youngest of our friend group, Jeongin, asked me. I just nodded and continued to pick at what Felix had made for dinner.

The nausea became too much and I ran to the bathroom. I sat on the cold tile and emptied the contents of my stomach while sobbing. Hyunjin came into the bathroom and sat down by me.
"You okay sissy?" He asked and rubbed my back. I shook my head no and looked at him.
"Jinnie can you take me home?" I mumbled and wrapped my arms around his torso. He nodded and stroked my head.

We got up and walked back out do the kitchen.
"Hey guys I'm gonna take her home." Hyunjin informed the others and they all told me bye before we headed out to the car.
"Can we make a quick stop at drug store before we go home?" I asked as I put on my seatbelt. Hyunjin nodded and drove to me to where I asked. I went inside and bought what I needed to before going to the bathroom.

I pulled the test out of the box and did everything I needed to. My hands were shaking and I kept wiping my sweaty palms on my leggings as I waited for my timer to go off. Years seemed to pass by before the timer on my phone rang, startling me. I walked over to the sink counter and picked up the test, slowly turning it around. Tears stung the corners of my eyes as I looked at the two little lines on the stick.

I threw the test away, not wanting to face the reality of the situation. I wasn't pregnant. There was not a human life inside of me. I was going to be fine because I wasn't pregnant. I was just sick.

Teen Pregnancy / Han Jisung Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang