Part 18

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"No no no no no! You sit down right now! You do not need to be doing this!" Jisung scolded as I tried to unpack the glass cups. We had just moved into our apartment and Jisung was being way to over bearing on what I could or could not do around the house since I had just entered my third trimester. The poor boy had been freaking out about becoming a father and I wanted absolutely everything to be perfect and for me not to lift a finger. School was becoming increasingly harder and the thought had crossed my mind several times about doing online school for the rest of the year.

"Jisung please just let me do this. I feel bad that you're doing all the work." I pouted. Jisung took the box from me and put it on top of the fridge so I couldn't reach it.

"Absolutely not. You could drop a cup and get hurt or you could fall and hurt yourself or the baby. And don't feel bad because you're growing a human life in you. That's our daughter and you're only job right now is to keep her safe." Jisung pecked my pouted lips quickly before grabbing his keys off the counter.
"I'm going to get us some lunch okay. I love you baby." And with that he left me alone with nothing to do.

I didn't know what else to do so I called Hyunjin to come over since we hadn't hung out as just the two of us in a long time. He got there within 5 minutes and decided to give him a quick little tour of the apartment.

"This is where the nursery is going to be." I told him as we entered the last room. He nodded his head and took a quick look around the white walled room that held nothing more than a rocking chair Jisung's mom had given me and a few boxes of decorations and baby clothes I had acquired over the past couple of weeks.

"It's pretty empty." I chuckled at his statement and sat down in the rocking chair.
"We've been so busy with moving and everything else that we haven't started shopping for essentials yet. We're cutting it close since I'm almost to my due date."

Hyunjin pursed his lips and continued to nod before looking at me.
"It's all gonna work out. I know it will." He smiled. I smiled too and started rubbing my belly in hopes of soothing the squirms and kicks. The rest of the time was pretty chill. We didn't have TV or WiFi set up yet so Hyunjin and I just talked on the couch.

I didn't even know I was asleep until I felt myself getting lightly shook awake. My eyes fluttered open to see Hyunjin staring at me with a look on his face that made me nervous.
"Don't freak out but you got a call and-"

P.O.V Jisung
"Oh my god Jisung!" Y/N cried out when she saw me sitting in the hospital bed. A wave of guilt washed over me as she threw her arms around me and started crying into my neck.
"You scared me asshole!" She started hitting my chest and pouting as tears ran down her puffy cheeks. I held her clammy hands in mine and gave her a small smile.

"Hey hey hey I'm okay. It's okay." I wiped the tears off of her cheeks but they just got replaced with new ones. Her bottom lip quivered and I felt my heart ache at the sight.
"I can't say the same for our lunch though." She laughed at my comment and hugged me as tight as her belly would allow her.

The nurse made sure I was complete clear before allowing me to go home. Hyunjin drove Y/N and I back to our apartment and was nice enough to help me unpack boxes since Y/N couldn't and I was pretty beat up from the accident.

Y/N ended up falling asleep on the couch before Hyunjin and I finished unpacking most of the boxes that we had brought with us. It was around 11p.m when we finished unpacking and I looked at my girlfriend sleeping on the couch and smiled. Her face was all squished to the side and it was absolutely the cutest thing ever. I was so happy seeing her get sleep considering it was getting increasingly difficult with the baby being so close to being here.

I sat down on the floor in front of the couch and gently stroked the side of her baby bump earning a kick in response. I leaned down to her belly and shook my head.
"Be careful butterfly, we don't want to wake mommy." I whispered to the baby before placing a kiss right above Y/N's navel. I didn't mean to wake Y/N up just yet but she started to stir in her sleep and soon enough her eyes fluttered open.

"I'm tired Ji." She mumbled out as I helped her sit up. I ruffled her hair a little bit and stroked her cheek gently.
"Let's get you to bed sweet pea." She nodded in agreement and I gently helped her off the couch and into bed. I made sure she was comfy and cozy before turning off the light and laying down beside her. Almost immediately she snuggled into my chest out of instinct and I just held her in my arms and rubbed her back.

"What happened today Sungie?" I sighed at her question and held her head against my chest.
"Don't worry about that right now. Get some sleep love." Y/N quickly drifted off to sleep in my arms and I let out a sigh of relief. I couldn't let her know why I was gone for so long. I couldn't let her know the real reason I got hit.

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