Part 23

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"JISUUUUNG!" I whined from the couch. A few moments later Jisung came running out of the room halfway dressed with soaking wet hair.
"Is she coming?!" He started panicking and ran to get my shoes. This had been happening every time I called his name. I was nearing in on my last month of my pregnancy and my fiancé was more stressed than I was.

"No baby, I'm just hungry." I looked at him and he just stopped and looked at me in bewilderment.
"You just ate like right before I got in the shower?!"
My face turned red and I smiled embarrassed, "please? I really want some ice cream."

Jisung sighed and came over to me, cupping my puff cheeks in his hands.
"What flavor?" He asked and I smiled happily.
"Surprise me please!" Jisung pecked my lips quickly before walking off to our kitchen.

I looked down at my huge belly as I felt the baby move around.
"You can come out any time now princess." I talked to her and she just kicked above my belly button in response.

"Here's your ice cream." Jisung helped me sit up and sat down beside me before handing me the bowl.
"Thank you Sungie!" I pecked his cheek and he just chuckled and watched as I started eating. I felt his eyes on me and my cheeks heated up in embarrassment.

"I've been thinking lately..."
"That's never a good thing."
Jisung glared at me and kept talking, "maybe it would be less stress on you if you start taking online classes instead of actually attending school."

I put down my bowl and faces him.
"What makes you say that?" I asked.
"Y/N you're due in like 4 weeks. I see how tired you get just going to the bathroom. Putting the extra stress on yourself is not good for you or the baby."

"Come on Sungie it's only two more weeks of school. I can handle it." I tried to plead with him but he seemed unconvinced.
"Please Jisung. It's my senior year and I'm already missing so many things. Please just let me do this."

"It's not good for you-"
"JISUNG PLEASE! I CAN'T SIT HERE ALL DAY AND DO NOTHING!" I raised my voice over his and he stopped talking.
"Fine. I'm not arguing this anymore." He sighed in defeat and I immediately felt bad since he was only trying to see what's best for me.
"I'm going to bed. Night."

We both didn't speak to each other for the rest of the night and the air was heavy with tension. I felt guilt for how I had reacted and I knew Jisung did too but we were both too stubborn to apologize.

"Y/N....Y/N......Y/N are you even listening to me?!" Felix called from his seat in front of me. I snapped out of my trance and focused back on Felix and whatever he was talking about as we sat in the library.
"What's with you today? It's like you're on autopilot."
I sighed and massaged my temple.
"I'm sorry. Jisung and I got in a fight last night and the baby's due soon....I just have a lot on my mind right now."

Felix gave me a sympathetic look before gathering his things.
"Let's go for a walk." He helped me get up and gathered my stuff for me.

"So what's going on between you and Jisung?" Felix asked as we began going down a staircase.
"He wants me to stay home and do school for the rest of the year. We got into a fight about it and haven't spoken to each other since last night."
"I mean he does have a point Y/N. You're in your third trimester and the baby is due really soon. You should be resting up."

I sighed and stopped to catch my breath for second.
"I know, but I really don't want to miss everything." I huffed out before starting down the stairs again. Toward the bottom of the stairs I accidentally missed a step and slid down five steps.

"Y/N are you okay?!" Felix rushed to my side. I had landed in a bad way on my ankle and pain shot through my whole right leg but I was more concerned about the baby in my belly. I started to cry and Felix started to freak out.
"Sit tight okay I'm going to get the nurse!"

P.O.V Jisung
I felt awful about what had happened between Y//N and I. I knew that she was already sacrificing so much just to keep our daughter but she needed to take care of herself too.

I was sitting in my study hall when one of the office ladies came in asking for me. I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and made my way out into the hall.
"Your mom just called, she's pulling you out for the rest of the day." I nodded in understanding and took all my stuff and headed out of the school. My mom was standing outside with a look on her face that was hard to read but it made me feel very uneasy.

"Mom? What's going on?"
"Don't freak out, but Y/N is in the hospital." She stayed very calm while I was freaking out on the inside.
"I-is she okay? Is the baby coming?" A sense of panic filled my body and my mom placed her hands on my shoulders to steady me.

"They're both okay and that's the only thing I know. Your dad is going to drive your car there and I'm going to take you since I don't think you should be driving like this."

The ride to the hospital was silent and I could feel my mom glance at me every few minutes. Several thoughts flooded my mind: why didn't she call me? Are they really okay? Is the baby coming now?

Before my mom could completely stop the car I was out of seat and flying into the hospital. I found out where she was and quickly ran to her room. Felix was sitting in the chair next to her bed and both of their eyes fell on me when I opened the door.
"Jisung I-"
"What happened?"

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