Part 4

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P.O.V Jisung
"She's fine for now but your baby won't be if we don't leave now." Hyunjin started the engine but I sat there in shock. My ears started ringing and I lost focus on everything around me.

"She's pregnant?" I whispered out loud. Hyunjin didn't answer me and I looked at him.
"Is it mine?" I asked him. My voice was shaking but I wasn't scared.
"Yes it's yours." Hyunjin said in his cold, over protective, twin brother voice as his eyes stayed focused on the road.

I smiled as tears started to form in my eyes.
"Don't get too excited, she wants to abort the baby." Hyunjin mumbled. My heart dropped and anger slowly took over me.
"She what?"
"She didn't outright tell me that's what she was doing but she hinted at it." He explained. I went silent as thoughts rolled around in my head about what could happen.

I hadn't known about the baby for very long but I already knew I wanted to keep it. I was furious that she wanted to kill it without telling me in the first place. Unknown to myself tears of anger fell down my cheeks. Soon enough we pulled up to the clinic and I didn't waste a moment before unbuckling my seatbelt and running inside.

"Y/N, we're ready for you." The nurse spoke. Just as I stood up I heard the door to the clinic open and felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around and saw Jisung with the same hurt and angry expression that was on his face that day that I pushed him away. His cheeks were stained with tears as were mine. His grip on my wrist tightened as he dragged me outside.

"Y/N please I'm begging you, don't abort our baby." He cried once we were outside.
How did you know I was here? How did you even know-"
"Don't abort them!" He cut me off and gripped my arms tightly. He looked so desperate and I hated that I was the one who caused it.
"Jisung we cant keep it..." I whispered and wrapped my arms around myself.
"It's not an it. It's a baby. Our baby!" He started sobbing, "Don't do this to our child."

That's what broke me. I started choking on sobs and it was hard for me to breath.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you!" I wailed. Jisung wrapped his arms around me and held my head against his chest. Hearing his heartbeat made me feel calmer but I couldn't stop crying.
"I'm scared Sungie..." I whispered. He rubbed small circles on my back and placed a kiss on top of my head.

"It's okay. Everything is going to be fine." He mumbled before pulling back and cupping my cheeks in his hands. He wiped my tears away with the pads of his thumbs.
"What are we going to do about the baby..." I whispered. A smile came across his face.

"Easy, we keep them." His optimism made it hard to think about this logically.
"We can't Jisung. We can't financially support a child. Not to mention there is no way my parents are going to let me keep it." I told him. His face dropped and I felt awful for bursting his bubble.
"But I can get us an apartment! We can live there and raise our baby! I mean yeah this is a lot earlier than either one of us wanted but-"

"Jisung this isn't up for discussion. We can't keep it. We aren't ready." I said sternly and got in the Hyunjin's car that was parked a few spaces away from the building.

"Are you mad at me?" Hyunjin asked. I sighed and played with the sleeves of Jisung's hoodie I was wearing.
"Yes and no. It wasn't your place to bring him here, but I am glad you did because I would feel so guilty for the rest of my life." I lamented. Hyunjin looked at me and gave me a light smile.
"You did the right thing." He whispered. I nodded and then we sat in silence until Jisung got into the car.

P.O.V Jisung
As soon as we got to their house Y/N ran up to her room. I sighed and sat down on the couch with my head in my hands.
"You okay?" Hyunjin asked as he sat down next to me. I ran my hands through my hair and quickly tears came to my eyes as I remembered Y/N's words outside of the clinic.
"I really want to keep the baby Hyunjin...I mean that's my baby too shouldn't I get some say in this?"

Hyunjin gave me a sad smile.
"I know my sister, she'll come around eventually for now she's just....scared." He sighed. I nodded and started staring off into space. Thoughts of a little Y/N and I running around our own house after we graduate filled my head, making me smile. That's what I wanted. It was all I ever wanted since Y/N and I started dating.

I looked at Hyunjin and wiped away my tears. "Man how did senior year get so crazy?" I laughed. He chuckled to and patted my back.

"It's only gonna get crazier my friend."

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