Part 29

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P.O.V Jisung
"Jisung.....Jisung......JISUNG!" My eyes shot open and I looked around as Felix backed away from me.

"What happened? Where's Nayeon?" I looked at Felix desperately and he just sat down beside me.

"Calm down Hyunjin's holding her. You fell asleep and looked distressed so we woke you up." Felix gave me a look of concern, "Are you okay man?"

"I think so....where's Y/N? Is she okay?"
"She's still in surgery. She needed a blood donation so Hyunjin gave some not that long ago. We should be getting another update any minute now."

Almost right on queue the nurse walked into the room with a smile on her face.
"Y/N is out of surgery and on her way here for recovery. She's still going to be asleep when she comes in but should wake up in a little bit."

The news brought a smiled to my face and I thanked the nurse before she left.

Not even two minutes later Y/N was being wheeled into the room and a sob of relief left my throat as I rushed to be by her side. They got her into place and make sure everything was hooked up to her before leaving us alone in the room.

I sat beside her bed hand held her hand in mine and played with her engagement ring. For the first time in hours I felt like I could breathe again.

My eyes gently fluttered open as I looked around the unfamiliar room. The last thing I remembered was the doctors taking Nayeon from me and cleaning her up. Nayeon....

I panicked and started looking around for my little girl and that's when I noticed Felix and Hyunjin sleeping opposite sides of the couch by the window. Near Hyunjin sat a bassinet with Nayeon sleeping peacefully in it. I smiled at the sight of her and let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh my God..." I heard a whisper and the sound of something hitting the floor. I turned to look at the doorway and I saw Jisung standing there staring at me.
"Hey Sungie." I spoke gentle and he immediately smiled and came toward me. Before I knew it I was engulfed in his arms and kisses were being placed all over my face.

"I can't believe you're awake. I'm so happy you're okay." Jisung sniffled and I wiped tears from his eyes and cooed at him.
"It's okay Jisung. I'm not going anywhere." I stroked his cheek gently and he smiled before placing a tender kiss on my lips. We pulled apart when little noises could be heard from the bassinet by Hyunjin.

Jisung quickly went and picked up the fussy baby and held her close.
"She's probably hungry. She hasn't eaten in a while." He handed her over to me and Nayeon quickly started to grab at my hospital gown. I hurried to feed her before she could get any more fussy and wake up Felix or Hyunjin.

I studied her tiny little face as she fed and took note of everything from the way she stored food in here cheeks to the number of beautiful eyelashes she had.
"She's beautiful isn't she?" Jisung spoke softly. I nodded before looking up at him.
"She's absolutely perfect Sungie."

Jisung and I sat in silence admiring the peaceful baby in my arms. After a while Felix and Hyunjin woke up and were more than excited to see me. The two of them stayed and talked for a while but could tell that I was feeling tired so decided to leave.

"You're so good with her." I looked over at Jisung and saw a soft smile plastered over his face.
"Well we had a lot of bonding time while you were recovering. Didn't we butterfly?" He cooed at her and she just made a face in response. I giggled and just continued to study Jisung interacting with our daughter.

"Thank you for staying by my side all this time." He looked at me with a confused face.
"What are you talking about baby?"

"You easily could've left me when you found out. You could've let me deal with it on my own but you didn't. You stepped up when I needed you to be there and even when we were split up you still didn't leave my side. You stood up for me even when you thought I cheating on you. Jisung I mean it when I say you are the reason I'm still here. If you didn't stop me that day at the clinic Nayeon wouldn't be here and neither would I. I can never repay you."

Jisung put Nayeon down in her bassinet before walking over and sitting in the chair beside me.

"Do you know when I decided I was gonna marry you?" He asked. I shook my head no with a confused look on my face and he just smiled and ran his fingers over my knuckles.
"It was sophomore year and we were sitting in the library. It was right before winter break and you decided to stay up with me to study for the history exam. About halfway through the night you fell asleep on your textbook and I remember looking at you and thinking how amazing it would be to wake up to you every morning."

I started to tear up at his words and he was quick to brush away my fallen tears.

"I've always loved you Y/N and when things get hard I will keep loving you. For better or worse I'm going to stay with you until the end of time. No matter what happens between us I will choose you and Nayeon every time." Jisung pulled me tightly into his arms and I sobbed into his shoulder.
"Awe butterfly you're so emotional." He lightly teased while rubbing my back in a soothing manner.

"Sorry," I sniffled, "I just didn't think things would work out as perfectly as they did."

Jisung pulled back a little and gave me a soft smile. His eyes were teary too as he looked over my tired face.
"I promised you I would take care of you didn't I?"

I nodded as I broke down into happy tears for the first time in a long time. Jisung cooed at me and pulled me into a kiss by cupping my cheeks.

I rested for a few hours until Nayeon needed to be fed again and after that I was up for a while.

Jisung's parents came by to see their granddaughter and I couldn't be more relieved by having at least one of our family's support.

His mom was so thrilled to see Nayeon and I. She stayed for hours and talked to me while Jisung and his dad ran back to our apartment to gather up some overnight stuff for the three of us and so Jisung could get a shower and a quick nap in after staying up for me all night.

"She looks a lot like you." His mom smiled at the baby in her arms. I tilted my head and looked and Nayeon's features.
"Really? Cause I see more of Jisung than I do me."
"She has Jisung's cheeks but she definitely has your eyes and nose." I smiled looking at my daughter's peaceful expression.

At the beginning of my pregnancy I didn't know that I could feel the enormous amount of love for a person like I felt for her. It was special and unlike anything I had ever experienced.

"Dad's waiting for you in the car mom." Jisung came into the room and took Nayeon back from his mother. We said our goodbyes and Jisung sighed contently as he sat down in the chair beside me.

"How is it possible to love someone this much?" He asked quietly.
"I was thinking the same thing..."

It was quiet for a second before Jisung soft voice came back.
"Thank you Y/N."
"For what?"
"For making me a Father."

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