Part 20

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"Y/NNN~" My boyfriend's gentle voice cooed in my ear. I whined and put my pillow over my head in protest of his attempts at waking me up.
"I don't wanna!" I mumbled into the pillow. Jisung chuckled and pulled back he pillow off my head. He smiled gently and kissed me very softly.

"How lucky am I that I get to wake up to you every morning?" He whispered against my lips causing me to smile brightly.
"Mmm I think I'm the lucky one here." I leaned back up and kissed him again except this time deeper and slower. I felt several little kicks against my belly and I pulled away from Jisung laughing.

"Someone didn't like that!" I laughed and rubbed my belly as the baby settled down again. Jisung smiled at my belly before speaking.
"2 more months until she's here." He mumbled to himself. Jisung looked at me and took my hand in his before kissing across my knuckles, "Happy 3 year anniversary baby."

Most of our day was rather calm. We didn't really have anything planned since we had just moved into the apartment and were still in the process of unpacking. Jisung and I decided to do a movie day so most of the day consisted of cuddles and kisses, until his phone rang.

"Shoot I'll be right back." He rushed out of the room to take the call and I just sat in our bedroom worried about what it could be about. A few moments later Jisung came back into our room with a huge smile on his face. He really caught me off guard when he walked right up to me and kissed me out of nowhere.

"Get dressed. We're going out." He said before grabbing his jacket and heading for our bedroom door. I followed him out the room and grabbed his wrist gently.
"Wait where are you going?" I asked him and he just smiled and pecked my lips again.
"I love you. I'll be back in 20 minutes I swear." and with that he grabbed the keys to my car off the counter and headed out the door.

I got myself into a cute dress that I had recently bought and had just finished doing my makeup. I was standing in front of the full length mirror in our room looking at myself when I heard a knock on the bedroom door. I looked over and saw Jisung standing there with a soft smile on his face as he studied every detail about me.

"You look absolutely beautiful. Seriously Y/N you're glowling." He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I think that's just sweat. I get hot flashes all the time." I chuckled to myself and placed my hands over his.
"Come on, I wanna take you somewhere."

"Where are we going?" I laughed as I sat in the passenger seat with a blindfold over my eyes.
"We're almost there I promise."
A few moment later he parked the car and came around to open my door for me. He lead me onto what felt like a mulch pit of a playground before removing my blindfold.

There we stood in the middle of the playground outside our old middle school. It was dark outside and the only thing giving us light was the security lights of the school, a few street lamps, the moon, and the stars. I looked around the place I hadn't been in so long and felt a sense of nostalgia hit me. A small smile creeped onto my face as I remembered the best memory I had here.
"Why are we here Jisung?" I asked gently as he took my hand in his softly. He looked extremely nervous and his palms were all sweaty.

"Four years ago today Hyunjin introduced us on this very playground. It was after school, I had just moved here, and from the moment I saw you I had a crush on you," I laughed as I remembered that day and how flustered he had been, "Three years ago today we were sitting on that swing set and you were crying over the stupid boy who had rejected you. I told you he wasn't worth it if he couldn't see how beautiful and crazy amazing you are. I kissed you on that very swing set that day."

He took in a shakey breath before continuing, "and now three years later I'm standing with you at the very same playground we met, the same playground i confessed to you. This is where everything started so it's only right that we take the next step in our relationship here."

I gasped as he got down on one knee and pulled out a small velvet black box from his jacket pocket.

"The night of the accident I was coming back from the jewelry store when I dropped the ring and lost control of the car. I wanted to propose the night we moved into the apartment but this is so much better. I know that the saying goes 'first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage' but we seemed to have missed that middle part. So Y/N will you not only be the mother of our beautiful but do me the honor of being my wife?" His voice was shaking and I couldn't help but laugh because it was weird seeing him this nervous. Fear flashed in his eyes and he quickly stood up and shoved the ring back in his pocket.

I quickly realized my mistake when he turned away from me and held his face in his hands.
"Wait Sungie don't cry!" I turned him back to me and took his hands away from his face.
"Why shouldn't I? I'm humiliated. My own girlfriend whose having my baby doesn't want to marry me and can I blame you, I mean I basically ruined your life and you should ha-"

I shut him up by placing my lips on his gently and his stoped freaking out and kissed me back. Once I was sure he was not going to start panicking if I pulled away, I pulled back and placed my hands on his cheeks and wiped away his tears.

"Yes I will marry you. I'm sorry I laughed I just hadn't seen you that nervous in a long time and it was really cute." I mumbled and pulled him into another kiss. Jisung slipped the ring onto my finder and we went back to our apartment where we celebrated the rest of our anniversary. (I'll leave it up to your imagination ;) )

I woke up to Jisung's bare body clinging to mine and I smiled as I thought of last night. I heard a knock on the apartment door and I got up as fast as I could and put on shorts and a oversized tee shirt before going to get the door. When I opened the door I saw one of Lia's little minions standing there with an unreadable look.
"I need to talk to you."

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