Part 25

901 27 7

Jisung walked over to me and handed me the bag with our food in it: eyeing my mother the whole time.
"Here's your food baby." Jisung gently grabbed the back of my head and leaned down to peck my lips. I could feel his hand shaking from anger and when he pulled back I could see in his face that he wasn't happy.

Jisung turned around to face my mother. She eyes him up and down and kept looking at him like he was disgusting.
"You need to leave. You do not have the right to come into our apartment and start insulting my wife. As far as I'm concerned you lost the right to tell her what to do the moment you threw her out for choosing to bring our daughter into this world. I love Y/N and my daughter, and I will not let you sit here and tell her I don't. Leave. Now."

My mother scoffed and stood up from chair and glared at him.
"And who gave you permission to marry MY daughter? You're already ruining her life don't make it worse."

"Get out of here before I call the cops. If you show up here again or if I see you anywhere near my wife or my daughter I will not hesitate to file a restraining order."
I had to grab Jisung's hand to ground him as he looked like he was going to kill her right then and there. My mother rolled her eyes at Jisung before grabbing her purse and storming out. Jisung turned back to me with a worried look on his face and started studying me.

"Are you okay? You looked like you were in pain when I walked in?" He looked all over my body for visible signs of injury and gently took his hands in mine.
"I think it was just another practice contraction. Don't worry, I'm okay."

Jisung let out a sigh of relief and sat down beside me. We ate our dinner and both of us were very tired so afterwards we decided to go to bed.

I had been sound asleep until I felt the baby start kicking really hard against my ribs and I woke up from the pain. I had started to sit myself up when Jisung came rushing over to me and helped to prop myself up against the headboard.

"What are you doing up? Everything okay?" He brushed my messy hair out of my face and I gave him a gentle smile.
"Baby's kicking and moving too much. What about you?"

He sat down beside me and I snuggled into his chest, "Bad dream..."
"I didn't get here in time and your mom killed you and..."

I placed my hand on his leg and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Thank you for standing up for me earlier....but I need to ask you about something."

Jisung turned to look at me and hummed in response.
"When you were defending me you called me your wife. And not just once but twice."

"D-did I?" His cheeks turned a deep shade of red and I smiled.
"I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable or anything I don't know what came over me I just-" I shut him up by placing a quick kiss on his lips, making him even more flustered.

"You talk too much." I giggled and pulled his hands away from his face.
"Don't worry, I liked hearing you say that. Makes me feel a way I can't explain."
Jisung smiled to himself and grabbed my left hand in his. He played with the engagement ring on my finger and smiled to himself.

"I love much."
"I love you too Sungie."

We stayed cuddled up with each other and both of us started to go back to sleep when I felt a contraction hit me. I whimpered and shifted a little bit. I looked over at Jisung and he was sound asleep. I didn't want to wake him up but the pain was getting really bad and wasn't going away.

I tried to shake it off and go back to sleep when it felt like a water ballon popped in my belly and liquid ran down my leg. A sense of panic filled my body and I started shaking.

"JISUNG!" I sobbed and started shaking him a lot harder than I meant to. He woke up almost immediately and turned to me with the most worried expression I've ever seen.
"Baby what's wrong?" He cupped my wet cheeks in his hands and brushed away my tears.

"I think the b-baby's c-coming."

Teen Pregnancy / Han Jisung Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora