Part 13

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"Y/N, baby, what are you talking about?" He asked as he walked toward the bed. I got up on the completely opposite side and grabbed my phone. I pulled up the picture of him in bed and showed it to him.
"I knew it! I knew something was up every time you went to 'math tutoring.'" I yelled a him as his eyes widened at the picture.

He looked up at me with a scared express but I didn't care, he was a dirty cheater.
"Y/N please, you have to believe me when I say I didn't cheat!" He lies and tried to come around to the other side of the bed to me.
"Don't come any closer to me!" A dangerous end laced my voice. I couldn't help the tears of so many mixed emotions falling down my face.

"When have I ever given you a reason to not believe me? When have I ever broken your trust?" Jisung spoke calmly and slowly came closer to me until he was right in front of me.

"Jisung you can't talk your way out of this. I saw the pictures." I whispered. His arms fell to his sides and his face contorted into a pained expression.
"You really don't believe me do you?" He asked me. I bit my lip and looked at the floor.
"I think we should take a break Jisung...." I spoke out with my trembling voice. I slowly looked up at Jisung and he looked like his entire world just came crashing down around him.

"You want to do what?" He froze, "no no NO!" Jisung yelled, making me flinch. I pushed past him and immediately went to the bag that Hyunjin had brought me and started shoving all my clothes and anything imported in it.

"Wait where are you going?" Jisung asked desperately and grabbed my wrist. I shook him off and grabbed my stuff.
"I hope it was worth it." I whispered before closing the bedroom door behind me and heading downstairs. I heard the door open and his footsteps on the stairs chasing behind me.

"Y/N please! Don't leave me please!" He begged and cried but I just bit my lip and tried my best to ignore him.
"Please baby please don't go..." he whimpered and hugged me from behind. My breath hitched in my throat and it took all the willpower I had to not turn around and run back to him.

I took a deep breath and pulled his arms off of me before walking out the door. I stopped on the porch for a moment as I felt my heart completely break hearing him scream and cry on the other side of the door. As much as he had hurt me I still loved him.

I got into my car and drove myself over to Chan and Felix's apartment. It was the middle of the night and Felix and I still weren't on good terms but I didn't know where else to go. After all his "girlfriend" was the one Jisung cheated with.

I stood in front of their apartment door with my arms wrapped around myself to provide some warmth from the cold October air. I had knocked several times now and nobody had answered the door. I was about to give up and go sleep in the car when the door opened up revealing Felix in a white tee shirt and blue bear print pajama pants.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in a harsh tone.
"Can I come in? Please?" I sniffled. Felix's expression softened and he stepped aside, allowing me to enter the apartment.

"I'm sorry for being such a bitch the past few weeks." I mumbled as I sat down on the couch. Felix sat down next to me with a puzzled look.
"Y/N I know you didn't come over here just to say sorry for rightfully being upset with me. What's going on?" He took my hands in his and my eyes watered again.

"Jisung cheated on me..." I whispered.

Felix's face fell and he started shaking his head.

"A-are you sure? I mean he loves you a lot
Y/N. That doesn't sound like something he would do." Felix asked me. I sighed and took my hands out of his. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pulled the text messages up on my screen. I looked at Felix and bit my bottom lip.

"I'm going to show you the pictures and texts I got and I need you to stay calm and not go freaking out." I told him. He nodded in understanding and I handed him my phone to see the pictures. He stared at them in disbelief and then suddenly stood up from the couch. He walked away and came back a few minutes later with a bottle of soju in his hand. Before I even had the chance to say anything he took the top off and started drinking.

"I'm sorry I picked Lia over you." He mumbled after he finished drinking the bottle.

I sighed and rubbed tiny circles over my belly.
"It's okay. I'm sorry for over reacting and ignoring you for a month." I told him with a soft smile. Felix took one of my hands in his and rubbed his thumb over my knuckles.

"He didn't deserve you Y/N. Your beautiful and smart and so absolutely incredible. He never deserved to be with you." Felix whispered softly. I looked away from him and stared at his small hand playing with my equally small one.

"You deserve the world and I should've been the one to give it to you. I should of been your first for everything. That should've been our baby." Felix drunkenly continued. I shook my head and put my other hand over his.

"Felix you're drunk. I know you don't mean any of this." I shook my head. Felix's grip on my hand tightened and smiled faintly.

"I loved you Y/N. Really I did." He spoke soft.
"No you didn't. Your confusing friendship with me for love Felix. You don't mean that." I mumbled. Felix cupped my face on his hands gently and brushed his thumbs over my cheek bones.

Before I knew what was happening his lips were placed on mine in a delicate kiss. It took me by surprise and I felt tears form in my eyes as my heart hurt knowing it wasn't Jisung who was kissing me. I didn't kiss Felix back and he pulled back with a sad expression on his face.

He looked away from me with tears in his eyes and his hands fell off my cheeks and into his lap.

"I'm so sorry Y/N..."

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