Part 22

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"Surprise!" The boys yelled and turned on all the lights. Pink decoration where spread all across the room and there was a pile of presents over by the couch.
"What's all this?" I mumbled and looked between all the guys. Everyone was there including Chan, Minho, and Changbin.
"We know that you've been stressed with everything going on so we decided we wanted to help you out." Jeongin smiled wide as he spoke.

"Welcome to your baby shower Y/N!" Felix cheered and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and lead me to the couch.
"Guys this wasn't necessary." I mumbled as Changbin and Chan put the first big present in front of me.
"Oh hush. We wanted to do this for you." Hyunjin sassed, "now open the present! This one is from all of us!"

I sighed and started peeling off the wrapping paper and saw a crib. A really expensive crib that I had looked at earlier and really wanted. I felt tears form in the corners of my eyes and I blinked them back the best I could.

"Jisung told us that you were wanting this crib so we all pitched in to get it for you. Did we get the right one?" Chan asked me and I nodded. The boys were very pleased with themselves and continued to place presents in front of me. By the end of the night I had a few more cute outfits for my baby girl, a cute little lamp, bedding for the crib, some stuffed animals, and a storage divider for all her clothes.

On top of all the presents they had also gotten a cake. I wanted to be more excited than I was but I couldn't get over my thoughts from earlier. I kept looking over at Jisung and wondering if how I looked had anything to do with why he stopped me from kissing him earlier. Had he seen something the night before that made him see me differently?

"Y/n are you okay? You've been quiet the whole time?" Minho asked and I noticed all the other boys staring at me as well.
"Um yeah I'm okay. Just really tired from the pregnancy." I lied. The boys all nodded and went back to eating their cake while I just picked at mine. Jisung nudged my shoulder gently and I looked at him with sad eyes.

"Do you wanna go home?" He asked me. I nodded as tears formed and started to roll down my cheeks, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. Hyunjin quickly took the plate out of my hands and placed it on the table. Jisung and Felix helped me to my feet and I waddled into the living room and sat down on the couch and hid my face behind my hands. The boys helped Jisung get everything out to our car and then Hyunjin helped me outside and into the car.

The drive home was silent and I felt Jisung glance at me every time I sniffled. When we got home I went straight to our bedroom and started to get ready for bed while Jisung got everything out of the car. I had gotten out of the shower and walked out into our bedroom and began finding clothes. I couldn't help but stare at the person looking back at me in the mirror. I didn't even recognize her anymore.

I quickly looked away from the mess in front of me and put on a pair of Jisung's sweat pants and one of his oversized tee shirts. I crawled into bed and tried my best to forget about the thoughts swimming around in my head. After about 20 minutes of being by myself I felt the bed sink as Jisung came to bed. He faced away from me and my bottom lip quivered as tears threatened to fall again.

An unwanted sob ripped from my throat and caught Jisung's attention. He quickly sat up and turned on the lamp on his nightstand.
"Hey hey hey what's wrong?" He pulled me into his arms and I started bawling.
"H-how c-can you l-love m-me." I choked out. Jisung's grip on me went limp and he studied my tear stained face as I cried even harder.

"I'm ugly." I started insulting myself.
"I'm fat..."
"Y/N stop..."
"I'm a failure and I should of-"
"Don't finish that sentence. Please don't say it." Jisung begged as tears can from his eyes.

"What is making you feel like this? Did Lia say these things to you?" Jisung's tone got defensive and I shook my head no quickly.
"She didn't have to tell me." I mumbled and played with my fingers.

"Then what make you feel this way all of a sudden?" He cupped my cheeks and I looked away from him embarrassed for him to see my face. His hands fell away and a look of realization crossed his face.

"Is this because I wouldn't...Y/N baby I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. Baby I promise I didn't mean anything by it. I was tired from last night and I physically could not do another round. I promise it has nothing to do with your weight or anything about your appearance." Jisung pilled me into his arms and brushed through my hair gently.

"You're literally so beautiful and perfect. You don't know how it makes me feel to see you carrying our baby, seriously you're so damn sexy and cute at the same time I don't know how you do it." His last comment made me chuckle through my tears.
"I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. I need you to see the beautiful, smart, kind, and nurturing woman you've become. Our daughter is going to be so lucky to have a mother like you."

"Do you mean that?" I asked in a small voice. He continued to brush through my hair gently and placed a kiss on top of my head.
"Of course I mean it princess. I love you. I will always love you. Until death do us part."

Jisung just held me in his arms and I started to drift off to sleep when I felt a slight discomfort in my belly. I shifted a little bit and grunted from the slight pain and Jisung noticed immediately.

"Are you okay? Is the baby coming?" He asked in a panic. I put my hand an his arm and shook my head.
"No I'm okay. I think it was just a Braxton Hicks contraction."

Jisung let out a small "oh" and leaned back on the bed and pulled me in close. He pressed a quick kissed to my temple as I closed my eyes.
"Get some sleep princess."

Teen Pregnancy / Han Jisung Where stories live. Discover now