Part 16

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"Please stay...." I whispered as tears started falling again. He didn't say a word as he got into the bed next to me. Both of us laying to face each other. Slowly I reached out to him and reclaimed my place in his arms. His breathing hitched and he held me like if he moved I would disappear.

"I want to listen," I mumbled, "I want to hear your side of the story."

I looked up at him and he had this cute dumbfounded expression on his face. He quickly snapped out of it thought and cleared his throat.

"That night I really did have math tutoring after school. It ended around 4pm which was later than it was supposed to and I swear I was on my way to the doctor's office but I got a text from my mom telling me about this apartment for rent a few blocks from school. I was going to wait and talk to you about it but the guy could only meet with me then. My phone had died and I couldn't text you so I went to the apartment. I was so excited to tell you when I got back but that didn't go as planned." Jisung sighed and held my small hand in his, playing with my fingers gently.

"Y/N I swear to you, I was not with her. You can even search my messages. Those were old photos from when we were still dating." His voice was breaking and tears were threatening to fall down his face. I put my hand on his cheek and stroked it softly.
"Tell me about the apartment." I urged him, a smile making its presence known on his face.

"It's nothing fancy. Just a two bedroom apartment. The kitchen is a good size and so are the bedrooms and the bathroom. Overall it's a good size for a growing family. I know you said you wanted to give the baby up but what if we had our own place? Picture it Y/N; you, me, and our daughter living in our own apartment." He sounded so excited and it made my heart fuzzy. I smiled at him gently before looking down at his hand still holding mine.

"Actually Jisung, I was thinking about it a lot and I want to keep the baby." I mumbled and looked up at him. A gummy smile spread across his face and he pressed his lips against mine in a soft kiss. My breathing hitched at the unexpected action and I immediately found myself kissing him back. I missed him so much. I missed the feeling of his lips on mine.

Jisung pulled back and ran a thumb over my cheek.
"I love you so much Y/N." He smiled and placed another kiss on my slightly parted lips.
"I love you too Sungie." I whispered and buried my face in his chest. Before I knew it I started tearing up again and I just held onto Jisung even tighter.

"How couldn't I have known I was having twins?" I mumbled into his chest.
"I'm their mother Jisung. I should of known." Jisung rubbed my back and kissed my temple lightly.
"This is not your fault Y/N. He was already so weak he wouldn't have made it anyway. You heard the nurse he wasn't developing properly." Jisung attempted to reassure me but it did very little.

I clutched onto the back of his tee shirt and wept into his chest for a long time. I just waited the pain I felt in my heart to stop. Why wouldn't it stop?

My cries started to die down when I felt an odd feeling against my side. It wasn't painful, just unexpected. I pulled back from Jisung and put my hand where I had felt it smiling a little bit to myself. Jisung looked at me in confusion and sat up, turning on the light.

"What's wrong? He asked and studied my face searching for any visible sign of pain. I laid flat of my back and grabbed his hand, placing it where mine was a few second ago. He must have felt it too because a huge gummy smile made its way across his face.

"I think she wanted to tell us something." Jisung mumbled. I wiped the tears off my cheeks and put my hand on top of his.
"She's saying 'don't be sad mommy, you still have me.'" Jisung spoke in a fake baby voice making me laugh.

"I love you my baby." I mumbled to her, gaining a kick against my hand in response. We ended up falling asleep like that both finally at peace.

"Now when we go in there you aren't going to hit him, be snarky, or try ANYTHING. Do you understand me?" I warning Jisung as we prepared to go into the cafeteria. It was his first day back since his suspension and I was not about to deal with him and Felix fighting. He grumbled a form of okay and held my hand tightly as I dragged him in behind me.

We sat down at the table and Felix only briefly glanced at me as Seungmin, Jeongin, and Hyunjin carefully watched our every move.
"How are you doing Y/N?" He asked me carefully. Jisung squeezed my hand under the table and I put a hand on his knee to calm him.
"I'm doing great Felix thank you." I spoke lowly.

Felix looked at Jisung who had a stone cold look on his face.
"I'm really sorry for what I said Jisung. It was uncalled for and I really am sorry." Felix apologized. Jisung just picked at a tear in his jeans with a blank look on his face until I nudged him in the shoulder.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have hit you." He said.
"Friends?" Felix asked. Jisung chuckled to himself and nodded.
We went through the rest of lunch just fine and I thought everything was going to be okay for the rest of the day.

We had just gotten out of lunch and I was heading back to my locker feeling happier than I had in weeks when I saw the crowd of people surroundings my locker. They were all staring at me and as I approached I saw why.

A note on my locker with a picture of Felix and I kissing on his couch.

"I told you to watch your back slut."

Teen Pregnancy / Han Jisung Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora