Part 27

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P.O.V Jisung
"What's happening to her?!" I panicked and watched as the nurses and doctors rushed my daughter out if the room and started rushing to help Y/N.
"She's losing too much blood from tearing from pushing the baby out. She's going to require emergency surgery." The doctor told me. They quickly escorted me out into the waiting room and I couldn't do anything but watch as the love of my life and mother of my child was rushed away.

So many things clouded my head and I didn't quite know what think. I needed her: I needed Y/N to be okay. I didn't know what to do and decided I couldn't be alone incase the worst happened. My hands shook as I called Felix and waited for him to respond.

"Hello?" His tired voice croaked out on the other side of the line.
"'m at the hospital."
"What happened? Is everything okay?" His voice shifted from tired to worried as soon as I mentioned my location.
"Please just get here." An unwanted sob broke through my voice and I quickly ended the call and sat down in a chair and tried to contain myself.

Not too much later Felix burst into the waiting room and quickly pulled me into a tight hug.
"Is Y/N okay? Is the baby okay?" He questioned me and I wiped the tears off my cheeks as my best friend held me by my shoulders.

"Well the baby is okay. She's healthy and so so beautiful....But Y/N....she's in emergency surgery right now." I choked out, "There was tearing during the delivery and she started losing blood very fast."

Felix's hands fell off my shoulders and his face went slack.
"Oh my god..." he mumbled.
"I don't know what to do! I'm freaking out Felix, I can't live without her!" I started crying again. Felix pulled me back into a hug and I completely broke down.

"Jisung she's going to be okay. This is Y/N we're talking about here. She's strong, she's gonna make it through this." He consoled me. I cried into his shoulder until I physically couldn't anymore. Eventually I pulled myself together and peeled myself off of Felix's shoulder.

The two of us sat anxiously in the waiting room for any sort of news but I was suddenly startled by a very familiar voice.
"Jisung? Felix?" Hyunjin called from down the hallway. Both of our heads shot up and we saw Y/N's twin brother coming towards us.

"Hey I got your messages, where's Y/N? How's my niece?" A glimmer of excitement was in his eyes at the mere thought of seeing his niece and sister. Felix shared a nervous glance with me before standing up and standing between Hyunjin and I.

"Well your niece is fine..." Felix chuckled nervously.
"And Y/N? Felix what about my sister?"
Felix looked away and Hyunjin's face dropped completely. His eyes focused on me and I few fear and shame burning into my soul.

"You..." Hyunjin almost whispered, "Start talking. GIVE ME ANSWERS JISUNG!"

"There was a lot of tearing during the delivery. I was holding her and all of a sudden she just passed out. I-I didn't know what happened and then when the nurse looked at her every one started rushing to get her into surgery. That's all I know. They can't tell me how she's doing or anything else."

Hyunjin stared at me and it's a fix of emotions hiding in his eyes. Anger being the most prominent one.
"I'm gonna kill you..." he muttered, "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!"
I didn't even try to fight against his anger. I just stood there and took it.

Felix grabbed Hyunjin as he tried so hard to get out of his grasp.
"Hyunjin....Hyunjin....HYUNJIN STOP!" Felix shook him.
"I know that you're upset right now. But your niece might lose her mother. She's going to need you and Jisung more than anything if that happens. Fighting does no good to that little girl." Felix's voice started cracking towards the end of his speech and Hyunjin just bit his lips and stared me down.

Silence filled the waiting area as the three of us all sat down and kept to ourselves. Every so often I could feel Hyunjin's eyes burning into he side of my head and I would hear Felix sniffle to himself.

"Han Jisung?" A female voice called into the waiting room and my head shot up at the mention of my name.
"We have just been informed that your daughter has been moved into a recovery room if you would like to stay with her while waiting for your fiancée." She smiled softly and I looked at Felix and Hyunjin.

"Your friends are more than welcome to come with you if it makes you feel any better." I nodded and thanked her before the boys and I followed her to where my daughter was.

When I saw her I could not stop myself from crying. She was swaddled in a little pink blanket and had a tiny pink beanie on her head. Little tufts of black hair poked out from under the beanie and her tiny little face resembled Y/N's so much. I walked right up to her bassinet and stared down with love at the tiny human that I had helped to create.

I started to stroke her cheek and when my fingers made contact with her skin she immediately smiled and melted into my touch.
"Oh wow..." Felix gasped from behind me. I turned to him with a huge smile and tear filled eyes.
"She's looks just like Y/N." Felix laughed and smiled at the baby sleeping in front of him.

I looked back at Hyunjin and saw him staring with an almost scared look.
"Hyunjin would you like to hold her?" I asked and he looked at me shocked.
"S-sure." He slowly came over and I took the sleeping baby out of her bassinet and gently placed her into Hyunjin's arms. She stayed sleeping for a few seconds but as soon as she sensed the uneasiness coming from Hyunjin and started fussing.
"Jisung take her please." He begged as she started to cry and I quickly took her and soothed her.

I sat on a chair with my daughter calmly sleeping in my arms for a while and I didn't even realize I was starting to fall asleep until I heard a knock on the door. My eyes shot open and I saw The nurse standing in the doorway.
"Excuse me but we have an update on
Y/N..." she spoke in a hushed tone.
"How is she?" I asked eagerly and immediately was up on my feet.
"I'm sorry but she didn't make it...."

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