Part 19

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I laid in the hospital bed in complete and total pain as another contraction hit me. I cried out and held onto Jisung's hand to make it through the pain. The room flooded with doctors and nurses as they said I didn't have much time if we wanted the baby to live.

"PLEASE JUST GET HER OUT! GET HER OUT PLEASE!" I sobbed out. Jisung held my hand tightly as I began to push with everything I had. My body felt like it was going to rip in half as my little girl tried to make her way into the world.

"Her umbilical cord is stuck around her neck! Get me scissors quickly!" The doctor yelled at the nurse and attempted to free my daughter. Panic filled my body and I tried to sit up and see her, but Jisung made me lay back down.

"HURRY SHE'S NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!" The nurse fumbled with the scissors but it didn't matter. My daughter was gone. Her pure little face was purple and red. I let out a broken sob when they placed her into my arms. She was gone. My angel was gone...

I woke up in a cold sweat and looked down to see my belly still very much there and my boyfriend sleeping beside me with drool on his pillow. I managed to get myself out of bed and walked into down the hall into the nursery.

This had been happening a lot since we lost Jaemin. I didn't want to lose my little girl too. The thought of that happening terrified me and the closer my due date came the worse it got. I sat down in the rocking chair and tried to relax a little bit. The baby started to kick and wiggle at my stress and I tried to calm her down a bit by caressing my fairly large bump.

I wanted to meet her already. I wanted to hold her in my arms as tight as I could and not let go. With everything that had gone on the whole year she was the only reason I kept going because I had to for her sake.

I didn't remember falling asleep but I woke up to Jisung shaking me awake and looking very confused and concerned.
"Why are you in the nursery?" He asked me gently. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and yawned before I answered.

"I couldn't sleep." Jisung frowned at my response and I could already tell he knew I wasn't telling him everything.
"You had another nightmare didn't you?" I nodded and he just sighed and shook his head.
"Why didn't you wake me up? I could've helped you?" His question make my ears burn from embarrassment.
"I just didn't want to wake you. You need rest so you'll heal faster." I mumbled and looked away from him.

Jisung sighed and helped me to my feet before pulling me tightly into his arms.
"I want to help you. You're my girlfriend. From now on if you have nightmares you need to wake me up....don't push me away Y/N." he mumbled into my hair and I nodded as a response. I felt him smile before pulling back and looking at me.
"We might want to hurry unless we're gonna be late to school."

School was hard. The looks never stopped and neither did the whispers. Everyday someone left either a rude note or picture on my locker or a comment about me in a bathroom stall. It was humiliating. Everyone was calling me a slut and there were rumors going around that it was Felix's baby instead of Jisung's.

I was at my locker and I was getting the textbook I needed for my next class after lunch when a groups of girls started to walk by me. Lia was with them and when she saw me she leaned over to another girl and started to whisper something. Snickers and giggle came from them as they passed and heart sank. Hot tears started to pool in my eyes as I shut my locker door. I hugged my books tight against my chest and kept my head down as I walked into the cafeteria.

Sitting down at the table I tried to avoid eye contact with people and just picked at my lunch. I didn't even realize I was crying until I heard a gentle voice ring through my ears.
"Y/N.....Y/N.....Y/N are you okay?" Jeongin asked. My eyes met his and I could see the concern written all over his face. The more I looked the more I noticed all the boys were staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"
"You're crying...." Seungmin mumbled.

I touched my cheeks and felt how wet they were. My breath hitches in my throat before I grabbed my stuff and took off without a word. I ran into the girl's bathroom to cry in silence but was met by the last person I ever wanted to see. Lia and he little group of friends stood in front of the mirror touching up on their makeup.

Lia turned to me as the door shut and smirked.
"Aw Y/N what's wrong? Find out your baby's going to come out with freckles and an Australian accent?" She chuckled. I bawled my hands into a first and turned around to leave but immediately got blocked by Lia's underclass minions, Chaeryeong and Yuna.
"Face it Y/N. Everyone in this school knows what you are. You're nothing more than a boyfriend stealing slut who got knocked up. And that's all you ever will be!" She circled me like a lion circling its prey.

"I never 'stole' Felix from you. You tried to break up Jisung and I by sending that picture. It's not my fault that Felix broke up with you."

"Oh please I never cared about that idiot. He was only a pawn for me to get to Jisung. Jisung was the one I was after not Felix. You took him from me when he came to this stupid school." Lia growled and stepped closer to me than I would've liked.

"Alright listen here crazy. I didn't know about. Jisung never told me about a girlfriend and him and I weren't together until a year after he moved here. Jisung chose me okay. I'm having his baby. Get over it." Lia got right in my face and studied me with her beady little eyes.
"Jisung is MINE. If I can't have him I will stop at nothing to make sure the whole school knows what you."

I smirked and crossed my arms.

"You wanna play like this. Fine. Game on bitch."

Teen Pregnancy / Han Jisung Where stories live. Discover now