Part 17

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My body shook as I stared at my locker. At that damn photo. The whispers of students flooded the hall as they all had their eyes on me. My eyes on the other hand clouded over with tears and I couldn't help but stare at the photo. The photo that captured a moment I wish never happened.

As I stood there in shock the boys pushed there was through the crowd of people. Hyunjin pulled me into his arms and hid my face in his chest as Felix ran up and snatched the picture and not off the locker.

"IS THIS SOME KIND OF SICK JOKE!" He yelled with his deep voice making it extra scary to hear. Seungmin grabbed Felix by the arm and pulled him back before he could do anything stupid. Jeongin grabbed the pieces of paper out of his hand and crumbled them up into a ball. Jisung stood by Hyunjin and I and kept a hand on my shoulder, letting me know he was there.

"Get lost...." Felix growled, "ALL OF YOU!"
The crowd dispersed and Felix groaned out of frustration. Hyunjin slowly let me go and studied my face. My puffy, tear strained, red face.

"Are you okay?" Jisung asked me. I whipped around to face him and furrowed my eyebrows.

"No I'm not okay! I'm 5 months pregnant in HIGH SCHOOL, I've been being bullied the entire school year, I lost my son I didn't know I had! THIS ENTIRE YEAR HAS BEEN COMPLETELY AWFUL AND EVERY JUST KEEPS GETTING WORSE AND WORSE." I screamed at him. Hyunjin grabbed me by the shoulder and I harshly shrugged him off.
"Don't touch me!" I walked away as fast as I could leaving all the boys standing there confused and shocked at the sudden outburst.

I left. I didn't know what else to do but leave. I couldn't stay in the school with all the whispers and stares. I drove back to Jisung's house and luckily his parent's weren't home from work yet. I went upstairs to change into more comfortable clothing. I put on a pair of leggings that I had just gotten and went to go out on one of Jisung's hoodies since I hadn't worn one in a while. I was struggling to get the hoodie over my belly and it was driving me a soo crazy that it didn't fit.

"FUCKING PERFECT!" I screamed and threw the hoodie across the room making the closet door rattle. Hot tears streamed uncontrollably out of my eyes and I ran my hands through my hair letting out a shaky sigh. There was a knock on the bedroom door and I wiped my eyes before telling whoever was there to come in. Hyunjin walked in and gave me a tiny smile.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him and continued to wipe my tears. Hyunjin sat down next to me as I looked around for some sort of shirt to put on since I was embarrassed.
"I wanted to make sure you were okay. After what happen after lunch and just everything in general....I'm worried about you sissy." He grabbed my hands in his and gave me that concerned brother face.

That's all it took for me to break down into an absolute puddle of tears. Hyunjin wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side.
"I feel like everything is going wrong like the universe hates me or something!" I sobbed. Hyunjin stroked my head gently and rocked me back and fourth with him.
"Hyunjin I just want to be a good mom. The only thing keeping me going is this baby."

"You're going to be an amazing mom sis. I know you are because you always took care of me when we were kids and you still take care of me. I know that it's rough but you don't have to go through this alone. I'm always going to be right next to you, I always have been and I always will be, and you have Jisung too. That boy cares about you so much, the happiest I've ever seen him is with you. And you have Felix, he picked you up when you were hurting, granted mistakes where made, but he never once walked away from you. You have us and the other boys too, we will always have your back sissy." Hyunjin wiped away my tears and gave me a comforting smile. I sniffles and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you Jinnie." He hugged me back and rubbed small circles on my back.
"You're my sister, I would do anything for you."

P.O.V Jisung
I sat on my living room couch with Felix as we waited for Hyunjin to come back down from comforting Y/N. I felt like a piece of shit since I didn't know what to say to comfort her. I kept thinking about the photo that was on her locker and the conversation I heard between the two of them that day in the hall. I know I said Felix and I were cool but I couldn't help but wonder....

"Why did you kiss her?" I broke the uncomfortable silence. Felix sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"Jisung I-"
"Please I need to know."
Felix sighed and looked at me.

"I loved her," he began, "way back when I first moved here I had a huge crush on her. She was the first girl I ever liked, and those feelings don't go away easily. That night I was hurt because I thought Lia had cheated. I was drunk and I was weak, I let my emotions get the best of me and I regret it.

You are my best friend Jisung, I know that I fucked up and you have ever right to be mad at me for what I said and for what I did but I really am sorry. I never wanted to hurt you." Felix started to tear up. I let out a sigh, pulling him into a quick before placing my hands on his shoulders.

"Apology accepted." We both chucked. Felix dried his eyes and I waited nervously for Hyunjin. After what seemed like an eternity he came down the stairs with a look of relief on his face.
"I think she's going to be okay. She's scared and we really just need to be there for her." He mumbled. I nodded in understanding and approached him slowly. My palms got all sweaty as I looked at my girlfriend's twin brother.

"I need to ask your permission for something..."

Teen Pregnancy / Han Jisung Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora