Part 26

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"Like right now?!" His eyes went wide and I nodded in confirming. A strong feeling of pain spread across my belly and i whimper and gripped onto the blanket really tight.

"Ow ow OW! Jisung it hurts!" I sobbed and he looked at me completely panicked.
"Um o-okay um-" Jisung got out of bed and quickly put a jacket and shoes on me before putting a jacket and shoes on himself as well. He helped me get to my feet and lead me  to our car. My contractions were about 5 minutes part and a lot more painful than the Braxton Hicks contractions. 

"Breathe sweetie we're almost there." Jisung told me as I cried and whimpered from the passenger seat. It felt like we had been driving for hours but it had only been about 15 minutes before we actually reached the hospital. We made it inside and they immediately got me into the delivery room and checked how dialated I was. At that point my contractions were 2 minutes apart and I was 8 centimeters dilated.

After I was given epidural the pain wasn't complete unbearable but it still hurt really bad.  I laid in the hospital bed and I was half asleep when another contraction hit me. I gripped Jisung's hand really tight to get through and soon enough it passed. I looked over at Jisung who was passed out in the chair beside me and smiled softly. 

"Sungie..." I cooed softly and he stired.
"Hm?" His eyes fluttered, "What do you need butterfly?" 
I blushed at the nickname as well as his gentle tone.

"Can you get me some water? I'm really thirsty." I asked shyly. He nodded and got up from the chair, pecking my head on his way out of the room. 

P.O.V Jisung
I was trying my best to hold myself together for Y/N's sake but I honestly was freaking out. I had no idea what to, I didn't know the first thing about being a father.

I stepped out of the room to get Y/N's water and groaned in frustration with myself. It was close to 3am and I knew everyone was probably asleep but I needed someone here with me. I ended up calling my parents on the way to the hospital but they didn't answer so I had to leave a message. It was the same with Hyunjin and Felix.

I got Y/N her water and quickly made my way back into her room incase anything happened. I walked in and saw her in pain and I quickly put down the cup and went to her side. I took her hand in mine and gently brushed my hand over her head. Her contraction didn't last much longer and soon enough she started to relax a little bit.

I studied her tired face and felt so horrible that l couldn't do more to help her. She had been in labor for a few hours and it was taking a lot out of her.

"Jisung how much longer?" She sighed in complete exhaustion. I looked at the clock before looking back at her and pouting.
"The doctor said you need to be at 10 cm to start pushing. They should be back in here soon to check and see how far you are." 

"I'm not doing this again for a long time? You got that?" Y/N gave me a tired but playful glare and I laughed and kissed her forehead gently.
"I'll wait as long as you want sunshine." She sighed contently as I play with a strand of messy hair that stuck to the side of her face. Not even a few minutes later another contraction stated happening and Y/N gripped onto the back of my shirt really hard.

"Get the doctor." She groaned and I frantically hit the button to page the doctor. The doctor and nurses came flooding into the room and when they asked me what was wrong I didn't know what to tell them. A nurse checked how dialated Y/N was and when she looked back at the doctor and nodded my heart jumped into my throat.

They prepped everything and told Y/N on her next contraction to start pushing. She looked at me with fear all over her face and I couldn't do anything but hold her hand and be there for her. Y/N was in so much pain and hearing her cry the way she was made my heart hurt for her. I wanted nothing more than to take it all away from her.

"She's almost here! Just a few more pushes and your baby will be out!" The nurse promoted Y/N to push even more after she had been pushing for 20 minutes. Y/N started pushing again but quickly stopped and fell back against the bed. She faced with tears pouring down her face and she shook her head.

"I c-can't anym-more." She sobbed and started to loosen her grip on my hand. I tightened my grip and leaned in closer to her and moved the wet hair off her sweaty pale face.
"C'mon butterfly you can do it. Just a little bit more." 
"I'm so tired..." she continued to cry and my heart clenched. I got up next to her and held her up the best I could without hurting her.

"You got this baby just a few more and it's over I promise." I gave her pecks against her temple and mumbled words of encouragement to Y/N as she started pushing again.

Five minutes later Y/N have her final push and after a few second the sounds of a baby crying filled the room.

The doctors quickly rushed to clean the little one off and never once did my eyes come off my perfect little angel. I felt Y/N's head hit my chest and I quickly looked down at her with my tear filled eyes.

"You did it baby I'm so proud
Y/N..." her whole body went slack in my arms and her breathing was incredible shallow. A bad feeling filled the pit of my stomach as I looked down at my fiancée who seemed absolutely lifeless.
"Y/N baby wake up!" I cried and gently tried to shake her awake but nothing worked.

One of the nurses must of seen how distressed I was because she turned to look at me. Her eyes flickered from Y/N's unconscious form to her lower part that was still exposed and her eyes became huge.
"Get the doctor now!"

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