Part 7

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"Y/N....Y/N wake up." I heard Jisung call my name and shake me. I groaned and rolled away from him but he just kept shaking me.
"Y/N my parents need to talk to us..." with that statement I sat up and stared at him.

"What? Why?" I said as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Once my eyes were finally adjusted I was able to read the scared expression on his face.
"Ji I'm sure it's nothing okay don't stress too much." I put my hand on his knee and gave him a soft smile. He nodded and took my hand tightly in his.

"Now let's go downstairs like it's just a normal Saturday." I told him and crawled out of the bed, pulling him up with me. We walked downstairs and saw his parents sitting on the couch facing away from the stairs. The closer we got I noticed them looking at something and the feeling of feet built up even more in myself.

Jisung cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the two adult.
"Oh you're up," Jisung's mom smiled weakly, "please sit down."
Jisung squeezed my hand tightly in his as we sat down together.

His mom placed the sonogram picture on the table in front of us and immediately I felt my heart stop. I couldn't move. I couldn't hear. The only thing I could focus on was that picture.

"I'm sorry...." I mumbled out as the tears started welling up in my eyes. His mom looked at me in surprise and his dad's face softened.

"Awe sweetheart don't apologize, it's okay." Jisung's dad chuckled lightly and handed me a box of tissues.
"Having a baby is a big responsibility and we just want to make sure you two know what you're getting yourselves into." Jisung's mom told us.

"Well you don't have to worry about that, we aren't keeping the baby." Jisung said and looked at his hands. His parents' faces fell into saddened expressions making me feel even worse about the whole thing.

"Well then, if you're going to be putting them up for adoption then it's probably best if you start screening potential parents now." Jisung's dad smiled lightly at us and got up from the couch. His mom started to get up too but then I stopped her.

"Um my parent's don't know about this yet so like if you see them please don't say anything." I said lowly. She nodded at me and walked away, leaving Jisung and I alone.

"I did not think that was going to go that smoothly." Jisung chuckled and pulled me into his arms. I hummed in response and wrapped my arms around his torso.
"Jisung what are we gonna do about my parents?" I asked in a tired voice. He didn't respond for a moment and I looked up at him.

"Well since we can't avoid it forever, how about we have Hyunjin help us plan some sort of dinner?" Jisung suggested. I nodded in agreement as he placed soft pecks all over my shoulder.

After working out the details with Hyunjin I decided I didn't want to go home just yet. Jisung's mom was in the kitchen making dinner while Jisung and his dad were talking about god knows what in the living room.
"Do you need any help?" I offered her from the doorway. She looked over at me and smiled.

"It's okay dear, you just sit and rest." She smiled at me comfortingly and gestured to the counter. I took a seat at the bar and she stared at me with a warm expression.

"How far along are you?" She immediately started on the baby questions.
"About ten weeks. I'm due on June 4th." I said. She nodded and continued to study me.
"How has it been so far? Has it been really hard for you?"

"It hasn't been too bad. It definitely has been a lot better since Jisung's been helping me. He's so sweet and I just feel so bad all the time." I vented to her. She leaned forward the counter ad I captured her attention.
"Why do you feel bad? He's your boyfriend. It's his job to take care of you."

I sighed and started rubbing circles on my belly, "I know that he wants to keep the baby.... and I do too but....we can't afford it. I mean we don't have a place of our own, we haven't graduated, and just we're so unprepared for this. I don't want this kid to have a bad life because we screwed up."

She walked around to the other side of the counter and pulled me into a tight hug. She stroked my hair gently and the soothing nature made me calm down a lot.
"I'm so scared! I don't know what to do." I whimpered.

"Awe sweetheart don't be scared. We will always be here to help you. You're family." She reassured me. She stayed hugging me for a few moments more until Jisung came walking into the kitchen.

"What's going on?" Jisung asked and immediately came over to my side. He cupped my face is his hands and looked for any signs of injury.
"I'm okay Sungie." I took his hands off my face and he gave me a pout.
"I don't like it when you lie to me." He crosses his arms and pouted like a child. I rolled my eyes and stood up, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I love you~" I smiled up at him. He wrapped his arms around me in return and leaned down to place a kiss on my lips.
"I love you too."

The rest of the night was pretty calm. The four of us had dinner together and Jisung's mom and I talked about baby stuff. Jisung and I were still up after they went to bed and it was close to midnight. He had me pulling into his lap as we watched some stupid reality show.

I was just about asleep when my phone started ringing. I got confused as to who would be calling me that late so I checked my caller I.D and saw my mom's name on the screen.

I accepted the call and my stomach sank as he voice screeched through the other side of the phone.

Teen Pregnancy / Han Jisung Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ