Part 15

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Painful cramps all over my belly was the only thing I felt. I didn't know what it could be since it was way to early in the pregnancy for me to be having contractions or for my water to had broken. I couldn't help but fear the worst as I sat in the passengers seat of Jisung's car. Tears were falling down my cheeks at a rapid pace as we got stuck in traffic on the way to the hospital.

Jisung looked at me with a desperate expression.
"I'm scared Jisung!" I sobbed and squirmed around in the seat. He grabbed one of my hands and squeezed it.
"I know baby I am too." He used the pet name and it just added to my tears. I missed him calling me pet names.

After sitting in traffic for what seemed like a million years we finally started moving again. We made it to the hospital after almost an hour and I was freaking out. The pain was constantly there and had not subsided since Jisung and Felix got in that fight. There had been little bursts of pain throughout the week but nothing this bad.

I laid in the hospital bed on my side with a pillow between my knees for comfort as I rubbed the side of my bump hoping for the best possible outcome, praying that I hadn't lost my baby. Jisung sat in the chair in the corner of the room with his hands folded in his lap with his knee bouncing up and down. Fear was evident in his eyes but he had been calm and collected since we left the school.

"It's a girl..." I said, breaking the painful silence in the room. He looked up at me with wide eyes. I met his eyes and saw that they were watering.
"What?" His voice was horse and I could tell he had been holding back sobs the whole time.
"The baby's a girl. I found out the night we broke up," I told him softly, "I thought you should know incase she's not okay." My voice quivered and tears fell down my cheeks.

Jisung moved closer to me as I broke down into a hysterical mess. He crawled onto the hospital bed beside me, pulling me into his arms and holding me tightly. I flinched slightly at his action but eventually gave in and sobbed into his chest just like I did when we were together. Being in his arms brought back a sense of comfort that I never felt anywhere else.

We stayed for a whole while waiting for the results to come back from the doctor. I felt so tired and all I wanted was to sleep but I couldn't seem to close my eyes. Eventually we both heard a knock at the door and looked up to see the nurse smiling sadly at us.

"The good news is that your baby girl is okay," he spoke gently. We waited for him to go on because good news is almost always followed by some sort of bad news.
"The bad news is that the boy didn't make it." He told us. I went numb with confusion for a moment and I felt Jisung's arm go slack around me.
"B-baby b-boy?" He stuttered and tears cascades down his cheeks. I stared off into space as the nurse told us how both the babies and me were under abnormal amounts of stress and that the twin boy was very week already and that's why he died.

"I'm sorry for your loss. Don't blame yourselves though. He wasn't developing properly and wouldn't of made it much longer regardless." The nurse told us before leaving the room to get my discharge papers. I sat there completely still with my hands gently touching my belly.

"Twins....we," I stopped and took in a shaky breath, "we had a son."
I started to shake and a painful wail ripped through my throat and out of my mouth. Jisung pulled me into him immediately and I cling to his shirt desperate for some form of reassurance. Tears rolled off of his cheeks, wetting the top of my head and his body shook as he struggled to breath.

"It's okay. It's okay. I've got you." He whispered held my head against his heart. I couldn't do anything else but weep for the loss of the son I never knew I had. I had never seen his little face, I never knew he was there. And not I would never get to meet him.

The rest of the night was a blur. I got discharged and got told to get plenty of rest and to keep my stress levels low. I slept through most of the car ride back, only waking up when Jisung stopped the car and came around to the other side.

"Y/N, you're home. Wake up." He said and shook my shoulder gently. I squinted my eyes out the car window to see that we are in front of Chan and Felix's apartment.
"I wanna stay with you." I told him. He stared at me shocked before nodding and getting back in. The driver's seat. The drive back to his house was silent but I could feel his eyes on me. We arrived a little bit before 10p.m and neither one of his parents were home again. He helped me inside and upstairs to his bedroom, sitting me down on the side I used to sleep on.

"Stay here I'll go get you some food." He mumbled before turning around and leaving. Moments later returning with a plate with a turkey sandwich on it and a glass of ice water. He put them on the nightstand before going to his closet and pulling out a tee shirt and pair of sweats for me to sleep in.

"I'll sleep in my parents room since they're gone. It's just down the hall if you need me." He mumbled before turning to walk away.

I ate the sandwich and got changed before laying down in his bed. I curled into the blankets immediately getting engulfed in the smell of his bodywash mixed with my shampoo I had left here. I laid there for a while not being able to sleep from thinking of everything. I didn't even realize I was crying until I hear the door creak open. Jisung stood there with worry on his face.

"I heard you crying and wanted to make sure you're okay?" He told me. I dried my eyes and gave him a soft smile.
"I'm fine." I lied. He pressed his lips into a thin line and started to close the door again.

"Wait Jisung!" I yelled for him. He opened the door again and stared at me.
"Please stay...."

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