Part 28

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P.O.V Jisung
"No..." I choked and fell back into the chair and started crying.

"The tears were too large and she lost too much blood. The doctors tried everything they could to save her but it wasn't enough. I'm so sorry for your loss." The nurse spoke very gently, "if you would like to say your final goodbyes I can take you to the room she's being kept in."

I looked back at Hyunjin and Felix and saw the same heartbroken expressions on their faces.
"Will you g-guys g-go with m-me?" I stuttered out and looked at them desperately. Hyunjin and Felix looked at each other like they were having a silent conversation.

"I'm going to stay here with the baby. You two should go. I can say goodbye to her later." Felix looked between Hyunjin and I and then at the sleeping baby in his arms.

"Felix are you sure cause-"
"No go. She's your sister Hyunjin. You should see her." Felix cut off Hyunjin.

Hyunjin and I followed the nurse to the room and saw Y/N laying on a bed and covered with a sheet. Carefully the nurse pulled the white sheet back and revealed Y/N's beautiful and newly pale face. Tears stung my eyes as I approached my deceased fiancée and gently stroked her cheek for one of the last times. Her skin was cold and it made my heart shatter even more.

I took her left hand into mine and played with the engagement ring on her small finger as an unstable sob ripped through my body.
"This isn't happening." I whispered. Hyunjin placed his hand on my shoulders and I looked up at him.

"Jisung I'm sorry for what I said." Hyunjin sniffled and stared at his sister as he spoke, "I'm so glad that it's you she loved....and I promise that I will be there for you and the baby no matter what."

"Nayeon....Y/N wanted to name her Nayeon."

Hyunjin took in a shaker breath and squeezed my shoulders, "Thank you for loving her."

Two years later
I stood in front of the mirror and straighten out the lapels on my tux. I was supposed to be happy today, after all it is my wedding day. But as I looked at the diamond engagement ring on the chain around my neck I remembered why I wasn't happy.

It wasn't Y/N I would be seeing walking down the aisle. It had been two years since she died. Almost two years to the day. It never got any easier. I missed her every single day and it was difficult watching Nayeon grow up without her mother.

I twisted the ring around in my fingers as I have a soft smile at what might have been. Tears were started to shine in my eyes when a sudden knock on the door knocked me out of my thoughts.

"Come in!" I called. The door opened and in the mirror I saw Hyunjin come in holding Nayeon in his arms.
"She didn't want to be in with the girls any more and begged me to bring her to you." Hyunjin said and handed my daughter over to me.

"Awe butterfly why don't you wanna be with the girls?"
The toddled laid her head on my chest and sniffled.
"Mean." She whispered. I stroked her little head and gave Hyunjin a confused look.

"I don't know. All I know is that I heard Lia screaming about something and then Ryujin walked out of the room holding Nayeon and then she wanted you." Hyunjin crossed his arms over his chest. I looked at the little girl in my arms and studied her distressed features.

"Nayeon who was mean to you?" I wiped the tears from her little cheeks and they immediately got replaced.
"Wia. She not wike me daddy." The toddler sobbed into my chest and I held her even closer to me.

I've heard Nayeon cry thousands of times but never have I heard the heartbroken sobs that came from her then. Something inside of me was set off. This was my little girl and someone had hurt her. The woman she so desperately tried to look to as a motherly figure had hurt her and made her feel unloved. I couldn't go through with this. I don't even know why I thought I could in the first place. But for the sake of my daughter I would not go through with it.


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