Part 21

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"I need to talk to you." Ryujin said and looked around nervously. I let her into the apartment and watched her carefully to make she this wasn't some sort of sick prank.

I sat down on the couch and stared down Ryunjin as she sat down in the chair across from me.

"How did you know where I live?" I asked her a little harshly and she just kinda laughed to herself and looked at her hands folded in her lap.
"I showed up at your parents house and when Hyunjin answered and told me you didn't live here anymore I asked him if he could tell me where you lived. Told him we were doing a project together."

I just nodded and waited for her to talk since I didn't really know what to say.
"I came here to apologize to you. When Lia came to this school she quickly became friends with Yeji and the rest of us. She would always tell us how Jisung cheated on her with you and would make up anything about you to get us to dislike you." Ryujin explained.

"Th-there was one point where she had me so convinced of something that I snapped. I was the one behind the text messages, not Lia. I'm so sorry." She broke down into tears. I sat in shock and just stared at her. I couldn't speak. I could've move. I could only stare at her.

"What could she have possibly of said that made you do that?" I asked way harsher than I meant to.
"It's really stupid but she said that you kept f-flirting with J-Jeongin. I'm so sorry I should of just came to you about it in the first place. I hope you can forgive me." The poor girl kept crying and crying.

I would be lying if I said I didn't feel bad for her because I really did. Lia had manipulated her and toyed with her feelings for Jeongin, but that didn't change the fact that what she did was wrong.

"I understand. I mean what you did was wrong but I do under why you did it and I'm not mad but I hope you do understand that it's going to take me a while to be able to trust you." I spoke to the crying girl gently. She nodded her head and wiped her eyes. Just as she was about to speak she was cut off by the bedroom door opening.

A sleepy looking Jisung walked out with absolutely nothing on. Ryujin's eyes went wide and she looked at the floor as her cheeks went absolutely red. As soon as he saw Ryunjin and I sitting across from each other his eyes widened and he froze like a deer in headlights.
"Jisung go put pants on." I sighed and shook my head.

Jisung turned absolutely red and quickly went back into our room. I rolled my eyes and and looked back at Ryujin.
"I'm sorry about him, he's an idiot." I sighed. Ruining just kinda laughed before it faded into an awkward silence.
"I should be going. I'm sure you need your rest. Just um be careful if you go to school from now on. Lia's up to something but I don't know what it is." She spoke softly before standing up and helping me to my feet.

"Thanks for the heads up. And if you ever want to sit with the guys and me feel free to. It would be nice not being the only girl for a change." I chuckled and Ryujin gave a small smile and thanked me before leaving the apartment.

I waddled back into the shared bedroom and saw Jisung sprawled out on our freshly made bed.
"Next time you wanna leave out bedroom make sure you have pants on!" I laughed and sat down on the bed next to him. Jisung buried his face in the blanket and his ears turned bright red again.
"That was so embarrassing!" He groaned, "I just stood there with my junk out. That was absolutely mortifying."

"Awe poor baby," I saw his whole body tense and started to massage his shoulders, "I will admit though that seeing you like that made my hormones go crazy."
Jisung looked at me with a shocked expression on his cute little face.

"Really?!" I giggled at his cuteness and gently placed my lips on his. I don't know what came over me but I got very aggressive with the kiss and bit Jisung's bottom lip, making him moan against my lips. He pulled back and his face was flushed and he was completely out of breath.
"I think we should stop." He huffed out and my confidence dropped and I felt really sad.
"Why what's wrong?" I asked, my hands shaking was I awaited the answer.

"Nothings wrong I'm just tired from last night okay?" He spoke gently and brushed my hair away from my face. That didn't reassure me of anything and I felt my eyes water as he got up and walked out of our room. The rest of the day was off, I stayed quiet for the most day and tried to price out some necessities for the nursery and Jisung had left not long after what had happened in our room.

It was almost 5 in the evening when I got a text message from Jisung telling me to get dressed because he was going to pick me up in an hour. I had went into the bedroom and was in the process of getting dressed when I had caught a look at myself in the mirror.

I looked so gross. I had huge dark circles from lack of sleep, my hair was greasy from constantly sweating all the time, my belly was huge and I had stretch marks all over my belly and breasts, and my face was all broken out. Tears can pouring down my face and I had to turn away from the sight in front of me. I didn't have much time to throw a pity party as Jisung had texted saying he was outside.
I got dressed and got into the car without a word. Jisung either didn't notice my emotional state or didn't care because he just started driving. Soon enough we ended up at Felix and Chan's place. When we went inside it was completely dark and Jisung lead me into their living room. We stopped and the door closed behind us.

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