A Line in the Sand...

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The Vermillion made it to Mega Monster Amusement Park, stealing all the metal they could get, as some warriors landed on a ride that was currently going and started to rip the metal off. The ninja arrived with Alex who was angrily walking behind them before he noticed some cotton candy and walked to it. 

Cole: Mega Monster Amusement Park? Really? Don't these guys have any sense of decency? Where does it end?

Lloyd: It ends here and now.

Zane: PIXAL, give me a danger analysis. PIXAL? PIXAL, respond. I need a danger analysis.

Nya: *gasps* Here's one! The roller coaster!

She points to where the Vermillion are busy taking apart the ride and its tracks. 

Lloyd: Zane, Cole, get up there fast!

Zane: Right. 

Cole: Got it. 

Lloyd: The rest of you, spread out. Time to make this place a snake-free zone. We can do this, team! And Alex, you… 

He paused seeing the boy busy eating some cotton candy as the male glared at the green ninja. 

Alex: *muffled* What? 

He asked with his mouth full of cotton candy as Lloyd slowly chuckled in fear before he rushed towards the Vermillion. 

Kai: Wow, listen to Lloyd taking charge. I like it. He's starting to get this Master thing down.

Kai was impressed by Lloyds leadership skills as Cole jumped closer to the Vermillion on the ride before he started to knock them off. 

Cole: You don't have a ticket, and you don't have a ticket, and you, and you.

Nya: Which one of you slime balls stole my Samurai X suit? Was it you? Or you? Or you? We're gonna go 'round and 'round and 'round until I get some answers!

She asked some of the Vermillion who took her Samurai X Armor but they didn't respond so she blasts them with water. 

Lloyd sees some Cotton Candy right beside Alex as he quickly runs over and grabs some, causing the boy to get angry. 

Alex: Hey! You could've asked!

Lloyd: Sorry but I need to borrow these!

He yelled back as he used the Cotton Candy to attack some snakes. 

Lloyd: Ninja, go! Ninja, sound off! Is everyone okay?

Nya: So far, barely!

Cole: If you mean "Okay, there sure are a lot of them!" then, yeah, I'm okay.

Kai: For the record, this is the least amusing amusement park I've ever been to.

Zane: These snakes are behaving curiously.

He said as he saw some Vermillion were more busy trying to keep them away as the rest were busy taking the metal. 

Kai: You think? 'Cause boosting scrap metal doesn't seem like, you know, normal snake behavior.

Cole: Neither does reforming into unstoppable samurai things.

Zane: I mean strategically. They appear more interested in keeping us away from their compatriots that are stealing metal, than they are in actually defeating us.

Lloyd: Well, they finally have to deal with us at full strength. And—hang on. Has anyone seen Jay?

Kai: No. Now that you mention it, he wasn't with us when we arrived.

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