Dread On Arrival...

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Back in Ninjago City, a man was waiting for the light to change from red to green on an empty intersection. 

Man: Oh, come on. 

He groaned in frustration before he drove anyway but quickly stopped when saw the giant creature walk out in front of his car. The man then spotted the ninja, Alex, now out of his armor, and little Wu while Pixal flew right behind them in her mech. They then arrived at the Police station, as the creature scared one police officer. 

Kai: Is the Police Commissioner here? 

The officer just nodded saying he was while he started blankly at the creature the group was riding on. The ninja started to jump off it and approached the front doors to the station. 

Zane: Don’t forget… the best way to defeat your enemy is to make them your friend. 

He told the officer as he looked back at Alex and the creature, making him smile as the creature let out a happy growl. 

Jay: Aren’t you, Crabby. 

Baby Wu: Crabby. 

Officer: Hey, what am I supposed to do with him? 

The officer asked, as he clearly did not want to be left alone with the creature as the ninja, Alex, and Pixal walked in as Nya turned around to the officer. 

Nya: Take him to the zoo. 

Officer: We don’t have a zoo! 

As they entered the station, officers noticed the strange group of the ninja, a boy they didn’t know and Samurai X. 

Kai: We need the Commissioner! 

Officer: He’s not taking any visitors. 

The officer denied them entry to the Commissioner’s office to get his help. 

Cole: But it’s important, 

Officer: All his work is important. 

Jay: Don’t make me zap you. 

He threatened as the officer still stood blocking the doors. So Jay had to zap him, knocking the officer to the side, as they rushed into the room. 

Nya: Commissioner! 

Pixal: Good to see you. 

Kai: There’s no time. 

Cole: Sorry, but it’s urgent. 

Zane: We have to vacate! 

Jay: Weapons. Lots and lots and lots of weapons. 

Baby Wu: Crabby. 

Commissioner: Whoa, whoa, whoa. One at a time. Just shoot it to me straight. What’s gonna do me in? 

Pixal: Pardon? Do you in? 

She questioned the man, as he sighed as he walked over to a board. 

Commissioner: Every time something bad happens to the city, first thing they do is can the Police Commissioner. So what is it this time? Subterranean mutant insects? Indomitable flesh-eating zombies? A pirate genie? 

Cole: Pirate genie? 

He asked confused, as everyone but Jay and Nya were confused as they two gave each other a smile, knowing what the Commissioner meant. 

Commissioner: Yes, why not? Anything can happen in this crazy town. 

Jay: Ah, don’t be ridiculous, it’s the Sons of Garmadon. 

Lego Ninjago X Male Oc Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now