★Feel Better my Friend★

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"I'm gonna say this again, Kaede." I talked as slowly as possible so no single detail could be missed, "I need you to investigate Chiyo and Mayumi as discreetly as possible. Please leave no stone unturned, right now, you're the only one I feel like I can trust."

"I got it." She replied on the other end of the line, "I will collect as much evidence as possible."

Feeling almost satisfied that I had finished saying all of the instructions, I was about to hang up until I remembered one vital part I forgot to tell her.

"Wait! Before you hang up, I forgot to tell you" I rambled, "There is this organization called the Speedwagon Foundation. When you collect all of the evidence, call me and I'll send them to you to pick it up."

"Speedwagon Foundation? That's a really influential company you know? How did you manage to get ahold of them?" I could feel uncertainty in her voice, but I couldn't even begin to explain everything now, especially over the phone.

"I'll explain everything later, but for now be on high alert. Especially around those two." I narrowly dodged the question, but I felt that Kaede decided to let it go.

"Alright, stay safe." She told me before ending the call, I did the same before a *click* noise could be heard indicating that there was nobody else on the line.

I set the phone down with the one hand that I did have left, back on the counter next to my hospital bed. It was impossible to bring it back, the cut was so clean and precise that the doctors had no way of reattaching my severed nerves. I guess I'm a Joseph twin now, good thing the water stand didn't slice off my writing hand.

Anyways, I can't believe that Chiyo and Mayumi are up to something...I got suspicious of them the second Kaede mentioned the apartment explosion. See, the only ones who knew about the details of the spilled coffee, and holes in the wall were the SPW Foundation because I specifically asked them to investigate that room. But those two could only know those details if they were IN the room! They had no reason to be in it! Which is why I think they must be behind it...

Suddenly I heard a noise and the sound of the doorknob opening. It was one of the nurses that work here at the hospital I was staying at, It looks like she brought me my lunch.

With a sweet smile, she stepped into my room and opened my blinds to let some sunshine through, with a little kick in her step she said, "I have your lunch, some steamed broccoli, and mashed potatoes."

"Thank you," I smiled back as she placed the small tray in my lap. I almost attempted to grab a fork with the hand I no longer had, but quickly realized my mistake and grabbed it with the other.

"Hey, when I finish lunch, Is it possible to go into the room across from me? He's a close friend of mine." I muttered while chewing on some broccoli.

"He's not awake right now, but you can still see him!" She answered back, "But keep in mind that your mechanics appointment should be in 15 minutes." 

Oh shoot, I almost forgot about that somehow. Although I have the knowledge to give myself a prosthetic hand, it would be almost impossible for me to manually screw all the bolts required for me to put it on with one hand.

I thanked the nurse who gave me a cheery smile and left the room. I shakily stood up from my hospital bed, man this injury really did a number on me. I finally opened the door and stepped out, as I walked over to where Kakyoin was resting at the moment.

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