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What kind a lover am I?

I have forgotten the special day of someone who really means a lot to Me.
I really feel guilty. I feel useless.
Even though all this time, Copter always pays attention to every detail of things in My life.
but I'm the opposite.
I know this is really unfair to copter.

I was just stunned when I saw all The Nurses gave a birthday Surprise for Him this Morning. They really care about Copter.
I think just apologized to Copter is not enough to redeem for My mistake.
Even though Copter said it's okay, but still I feel so guilty. And I have to do something to make up for My mistake.

I leave Copter's Office because He had to do His job.
Even though honestly, I don't want to leave Him because of My Guilt.
But I know He's busy, and I don't want to bother Him.

I was walked in The hall of The Hospital.
At first I was planning to heading to My Office.
But suddenly I change My mind.
I intend to meet My sister at Her Office.

When I arrived there, I tell Her Assistant if I want to meet with The Doctor.
Luckily, Phi Nena still in Her Office when I got there.

" Hi, Kimmy. It's a surprise, You visited Me at My office in the morning.
Did You take The Birthday boy to His Office? " Said Phi Nena, when I Entered The Room.

Even Phi Nena knows if Today was Copter's birthday.
Of course She knows. My Sister and My Fiance has been friends for long enough.
It makes Me feel more guilty.

I didn't comment at Phi Nena's words.
Phi Nena was sitting behind Her desk while busy with The papers.
I'm sitting in the chair in front of Her.
I noticed there's a gift box on the side of Her desk.
I can tell if that was a gift for Copter.

I stay silent.
Phi Nena seems noticed it.
She stopped was She was doing, then She looking at Me.

" Something wrong, Kim? " Asked Phi Nena.

" is that a gift for Copter? " I asked about The gift box a saw earlier.

" Yup, I was planning to give Him at lunch " said Phi Nena with Her smile.
I response to Phi Nena's words with a weak smile.
Phi Nena keep looking at Me. I know She must thought there something wrong with Me.

" What's wrong?. Copter is fine, right? "
This time Phi Nena looked worried.

" Yeah, Phi. Copter is fine. It's Me who was feeling not fine " I said.

" What happened, Kim? " once again My Sister asked Me.

I take a deep breath.
" I did something really bad to Copter today, Phi "

Phi Nena knotted Her eyebrows.

" What do You mean? What did you do? "

I looked at Phi Nena.

" I.. I.. was forget if today was Copter's Birthday " I said haltingly.

Phi Nena looked so shocked with what
I said.
She raised from His seat.

" What??
Are You serious? But, How could You?
Oh God, Kim!! "

Yes I know Phi Nena must be very mad about it.

" I know I've made a big mistake, Phi.
I'm totally forgot. I'm really sorry. "
Phi Nena still looking at Me. from Her eyes I can tell if She didn't expected I could forget about Copter's birthday.
She looked at Me in disbelieve.
I feel ashamed to Her.

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