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a long chapter, be ready,,,,
No proofreads
so many mistakes 🙏


"Ai Kim...Hey, are you okay? "

Tae's voices awakening me from my thoughts.
i blinked my eyes repeatedly.

" What's wrong? " Tae continue still looking at me.

" Ah.. No. i'm fine " I said, lying.
I'm not feeling fine actually.
There are lots of question spinning in my head about Doctor Panuwat, after He left me hanging with some 'I'm so sorry I can't talk to you' note yesterday. I can't stop asking myself about His reasons writing them.

I even think that maybe He hates me or is there another reasons behind that?
God I really can't guess what it is.

Like this morning when Tae visited me and talked about the new reports of the company matters, I can't even focused with what Tae said properly.

My head is full with My Beautiful Doctor.

"Are you sure you're okay?
You seem zoned out. It's like your thoughts are somewhere else." said Tae, concerned.

I stayed silent. I closed my eyes and i sighed slowly. The thoughts are killing me inside.
I looked at Tae, He seems waiting for me to say something.

I take a deep breath.

"If... there is someone who doesn't want
or can't talk to you directly.
What would you think about that person? "
Finally some blubbering question came out from my mouth.

Tae looked at me with confused look.
Of course Tae will get confused. Even i am confused. Why am i even asking Tae that stupid question?

" Hmm.. What kind of topic we're talking about? And...who is the person who doesn't want to talk to the great Mr.handsome CEO? " Tae said a little bit teasing me.
I smile awkwardly. Tae still sitting in the couch in front me.


"So...you're seeing someone? " asked Tae again.

I stay silent and look away to the window, avoiding Tae's eyes.

" That person doesn't want to talk to me. Maybe He hates me..." I said with a low voice.

Tae still looked at me intently. He seems trying to say the right word.

" How do you know if that person hates you? Did she said it to you directly? "
I shook my head answering Tae's question.

Tae said if the person I was talking about was a she. He doesn't know if the person that i met is a Guy.
I can't talk to Tae more further about My Doctor. Not before i figure out something about Him.
I'm still working to reveal my feelings to the Beautiful Doctor.

" How's Tee doing? " I asked Tae about His neurosurgeon Doctor lover instead, trying to change the topic.
Tae knotted his eyebrows after heard what I said. Tae know me so well.
He knows if i don't want to continue our first conversation more further.

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