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"Love is like a rainbow...
you'll never find the end"


Time flies so fast.
It's been 3 months since I have been hospitalized.

My physical therapy session is doing really well . I'm not using my wheelchair anymore.
I even can walk normally again.
Thanks to My Doctor and also Nurse Amy for helping me with my recovery.

My relationship with Doctor Panuwat as a Doctor and a patient is getting well.
We used to call ourselves by our names.
Like i asked to Hm before, now He called me as Phi Kim and i also called Him with Copter.

We still spent
our lunch time together sometimes.

Copter is already comfortable to talking me. Just like friends, at least this is much better now. Even though He's still keeping His professional attitude as My Doctor. But i won't complaint
because i really love to see my angel with His serious face.

Spending time with Him is the most precious moment in my life.

Now it's been a week since i return to the company.
My employees prepared a small celebrate party for welcoming me back to business.

Honestly since i left the Hospital I feel sad because i can't meet My Doctor everyday now.
I can't visit Him everytime because i have to take care of my works after my absent for almost 3 months at the company. Tae also helped me with it. Luckily i have Tae as my assistant. He helped me a lot all these time.

I just communicate with Copter through chat

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I just communicate with Copter through chat. At first I was confused how to start the chat.
I don't want to sound as if I'm bothering Him too much. I admit I really want to send Him a messages as much as I can.
I know He's busy but i thought with just a simple

" How are you? or have you had your lunch? are you home yet? " it still fine.

(CEO Kim while texting His dimples Doctor ;)

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(CEO Kim while texting His dimples Doctor ;)

I'm getting more and more falling​ for Copter each day. but i just keep this feeling inside.
i don't want to ruin a good relationship if
I confess my feelings to Him.

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