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The Doctors name still ringing in my ears. The unexpected moment that happened Yesterday with The Doctor still flashing back in my memory.
i woke up so early this morning. Or should i say i even can't sleep properly last night Because I cannot wait for tommorow to come.


I was acting like a high school boy who's in love.

Did i ? in love?

But He is a Guy. And i'm also a Guy.
How could it be?
This is so confusing me.
Maybe this is just a feelings which in a short of time will be gone just like the wind.

As usual, My Mom come to visited me.
Like every morning, She brings my favorite foods for breakfast.
Today She making me a Toast with butter jam and cheese and Also my favorites hazelnuts coffee for The Drink.

I enjoy my breakfast with accompanied by My Mom.
The breakfast tasted so delicious than Usually .
I don't know why, but i ate it happily.
I even forgot if i've got a broken leg which is still need times to recovered.
My Mom saw how happy i am today.

" What makes you looked so happy today, My Son? " Asked My Mom while smiling.

I stopped chewing then looked back at Her.
I rolled my eyes trying to find the right answer.

" Nothing Mom. It's just today's breakfast tasted so delicious." I said blubbering.
My Mom just smiling at me.

If you only knew, Mom, The only reason why i feel so happy today is because i will meet My Beautiful Doctor in couple of hours.

I'm smiling to my self while Doctor Panuwat smile has flashed in my mind.

I asked My Mom to bring me a miror. cause I need to fixed my self especially my face and my hair first before i meet with My Doctor.

( A/N : should I called P'Tong Sutipat for you,Kim😏)
P'Tong Sutipat is the make up artist for SBFIVE. He's the man behind our gorgeous boys looks;))

An hour later

" Sawwadee...Good Morning Mrs. Khemmonta. Good morning Mr. Kimmon. "
Nurse Amy coming to my room. with Her politely wai and smile. She greetings me and My Mom.

We wai back at Her
" Sawaadee Nurse Amy. " Said My Mom.
But suddenly i stopped smiling to Her,
when i found out that Nurse Amy coming alone.

Where's My Doctor?

I asked to my self feels so annoyed.

Nurse Amy looked at me and She seem knows my confused looked.

" Doctor Panuwat will be here in a minute. He have a meeting with other Doctors this morning. He apologize for being late for visited Mr. kimmon today. "
said nurse Amy explained about Doctor Panuwat presence.

I'm smiling again after heard Nurse Amy explanation.
Thank God. I feel relieved.
I thought My Doctor will not coming today.

Nurse Amy then focused Her self to a report papers in Her hands.

I heard knocked on the door.
then someone walking in into my room while smiling.

it's was him.

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