Dr. Facilier

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Shout outs for fans of Princess and the frog!

After the whole crazy situation with our first target, we decided to take a break to set our minds at ease. 

 Silver decided that we should travel somewhere to experience nature and different types of music, so we traveled to New Orleans. 

 As we put all our stuff in our apartment, we went to the Duke's restaurant to eat breakfast because we didn't eat before we left Soleanna.

"Order up!" Buford said as he placed the plate of pancakes on the counter.

"Another coffee here, Chere." The customer said as he was holding his cup for the waitress.

"Coming right up, Reggie," The waitress said as she poured coffee into the customer's cup.

"Hey Tiana," The female customer called.

"Morning Georgia, hey y'all." Tiana greeted.

"We're all going out dancing tonight, care to join us?" Georgia asked.

I've overheard them trying to convince Tiana to go to the party with them, but she refused 'cause she's working double shifts so that she can get her own restaurant. 

 I knew that it was her dream of getting her own restaurant and my oh-ma told me that the only way to get what I want is to do hard work.

"Girl, all you got ta do is work!" Georgia exclaimed.

"Order up!" Buford yelled.

"Maybe next time," Tiana said as she walked towards the kitchen.

"I told y'all she wouldn't come," Georgia's friend said.

I got a little mad about the way Tiana is being put down by her customers. 

 So I walked over to Georgia's table and one of her friends offered me the seat.

"Listen here, Tiana's trying her best to get her own restaurant! That's her dream! Can you guys be more supportive for her?! Now you guys made her feel bad just because she couldn't go to the party," I scolded in anger.

Sonic and the crew looked at me with a proud face as I stood up for Tiana.

 I walked back to Sonic's table and I sat down in my seat. 

 Silver wrapped his arm around me and I could tell that he's proud of me, and so are the others. 

 Tiana walked to our table and gave us coffee and orange juice.

"Thanks for standing up for me," Tiana said.

"No problem, I couldn't stand some people who never support a person's dream." I responded.

We heard a bell ring and it was the richest man in New Orleans, Mr.LaBouff. Tiana came back from the counter with more plates of food.

"Morning, Mr. LaBouff." Tiana greeted.

"Good morning, Tiana." LaBouff greeted back as he walked towards his seat.

"Congratulations on being voted King of the Mardi Gras parade," Tiana said, as she placed the plate of eggs and bacon on the table.

"Caught me completely by surprise, for the 5th year in a row!" LaBouff exclaimed.

"Now, how about I celebrate with..." He got cutted off as Tiana placed the beignets in front of him.

"Beignets? Got a fresh batch just waiting for you." Tiana said as she was about to walked towards the counter.

"Well, keep them coming till I pass out." He said as he was about to bite the beignet.

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