Meeting April and Casey

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After the day of meeting the turtles, we all went back to the lair to check on the turtles and noticed them doing a battle where one turtle standing wins. 

 Leo victoriously won the battle until Raph started beating him up knowing that he lost. 

 I quickly used my psychokinesis to stop him from doing something worse and that's where he was about to throw his sais at me.

"Raph, don't do this! Not only are you hurting yourself, but hurting your brothers as well with your anger," I said.

"I wasn't angry! I was just determined to win," Raph said.

Everyone looked at him like they didn't believe him until Raph blurted out.

"What?! I said I wasn't angry," Raph yelled in anger.

I felt my anger flowing through my powers and it suddenly turned from turquoise to purple.

"Raphael Hamato, I swear if you keep up this destructive anger, I would not hesitate to go into my dark form and make you understand that anger is a dangerous ally!" I yelled in anger.

The turtles were shocked from what I said and especially Raph because I told him about how my dark form makes me feel like a monster.

"Y/n, control your form!" Leo pleaded.

Lloyd didn't know about my dark form and knew right away that he had to stop this from happening.

"Y/n, don't do this! Don't let your anger take over you. Please, remember! You're too beautiful to be a monster," Lloyd said as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

My powers slowly turned from purple to turquoise and felt my anger going down. 

 I let Raph go from my psychokinesis and he looked at me like I'm more of a serious person as he walked out of the dojo. 

 A few minutes later, Lloyd and I went outside to calm ourselves down and it was the perfect time to tell him about my dark form.

"Y/n, you've never told me that you have a dark form. How did you get it," Lloyd asked.

"Since high school, my mom and Uncle Sonic accidentally shot me with their dark and burn powers. Whenever I felt darkness somewhere around me or inside of me, I immediately turned into my dark burn form," I replied with my head down.

"Man, does it happen often?" He asked.

"It happened twice. One time when I was battling against an evil version of my Uncle Sonic and the second time when I was torturing my mom's ex. Now it's nearly the third time," I replied.

"Hey, at least Raph knows how to control his anger," He said.

"Yeah, at least," I said.

"I think I know one way to make you feel better," He said.

"What is it," I asked.

Lloyd suddenly pulled me into his embrace as he kissed me on the lips. 

 I melted into the kiss and immediately wrapped my arms around him. 

 Suddenly, a guy in a hockey suit saw us kissing and started walking towards us. 

 I broke the kiss and saw the hockey guy over Lloyd's shoulder.

"Lloyd, I think we should head back," I said while stepping back.

"Why, what's wrong?" Lloyd asked, worried.

"Well, I would've screamed when a GUY IN A HOCKEY SUIT COMING TOWARDS US!" I exclaimed as I pointed at the hockey guy behind Lloyd.

Lloyd turns around and dodges the guy's taser glove. 

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