Y/n and Lloyd's wedding

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The next morning, me, Lloyd, and Piff were sleeping in our bed until Misako and Sensei Wu woke us up with an alarm clock.

"Mom? Sensei Wu?" Lloyd said, tiredly.

"Wake up, you two. Time to get cleaned up," Misako said.

We got out of bed and Misako took me to the other side of the castle while Wu took Lloyd to the opposite side of the castle. 

 Misako took me to the bathroom and saw Rouge next to the bathtub, waiting for me.

"This is what you give me to work with? Well, honey, I've seen worse. We're gonna turn this sow's ear. Into a silk purse," Rouge sang as she threw me into the tub.

"It's freezing cold," I said.

"This cold bath would help you out dealing with the hot weather," Misako said.

Rouge poured more water on me to wet my hair.

"We'll have you washed and dried. Primped and polished 'til you glow with pride. Trust my recipe for instant bride. You'll bring honor to us all," Rouge sang as she started scrubbing my hair with soap.

"Excited for this special day," Misako asked.

"Yes, but I'm a little nervous." I replied.

"Don't worry, you'll be okay." Misako said.

After taking a bath, we walked over to the boutique in Equestria and saw Celestria, Luna, and Cadence in there.

"Wait and see. When we're through," Luna sang.

"Your love would gladly go to war for you," Celestria sang as she turned my quills into a bun.

"With good fortune," Cadence sang.

"And a great hairdo," Celestria sang as she showed my hair in the mirror.

"You'll bring honor to us," Luna, Celestria, and Cadence sang.

We all walked out of the boutique and started walking to the dressing room in Canterlot.

"A girl can bring her family. Great honor in one way. By striking a good match. And this could be the day," The winx sang as they flew inside of the castle.

"Men want girls with good taste," Rarity sang.

"Calm," Fluttershy sang.

"Obedient," Twilight sang.

"Who works fast-paced," Applejack sang.

"With good breeding," Rainbow Dash sang.

"And a tiny waist," Pinkie sang.

"You'll bring honor to us all," They sang.

The ponies walked out of the dressing room and more guests started filling up the halls.

"We all must serve our rulers. Who guards us from the Bad. A man by bearing arms. A girl by bearing sons," The guests sang.

Blaze and Amy started doing my makeup and accessories for my hair.

"When we're through," Blaze sang.

"When we're through," Amy repeated.

"You can't fail," Blaze sang.

"You can't fail," Amy repeated.

"Like a lotus blossom," Blaze sang.

"Like a lotus blossom," Amy repeated.

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