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Shoutouts to fans of Winx Club!

The next morning, I woke up from a good sleep and went over to the bathroom to deal with my morning routine.

"Man, I'm so tired and..." I got cutted off as one of the guards knocked on the door.

"Princess, we got a visitor and she's in the throne room right now." The guard stated.

"I'll be over there," I replied.

I walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the throne room where I saw a woman with long wavy hair and her clothes were all ripped up.

"Mam, are you okay?" I asked.

Suddenly, the woman collapsed on the ground and I ran over to her as I tried to wake her up until the door was about to open. 

 I grabbed the walkie talkie from my pocket and told everyone to transform into their mafia forms. 

 As I transformed into my mafia form, a group of girls and pixies came over to me and the woman. 

 The rest of the others came inside of the throne room to check on the situation.

"Kitty, what's going on?" Sonic asked.

"I don't know I've found this woman in here and collapsed." I replied.

"Speaking of which, who are you people?!" Sonic exclaimed.

"I'm Stella and these guys are Tecna, Flora, and Musa," Stella replied.

"Guards, get these girls to our meeting room." Ben commanded.

As the guards took Stella and her friends to the meeting room, our main concern now is the woman on the ground.

"Is she okay," Charmy asked.

"I'm gonna scan her right now, just to be sure." Tails suggested.

He took out his body scanner to scan the woman until he gasped as he got the results.

"What is it, Tails?" Cream asked.

"She's the Princess from the Realm of Tides!" Tails exclaimed.

"Come on. Please, wake up. From one princess to another," I said.

As I moved some parts of her hair, a pixie jumped out of her hoodie and went on the rug.

"Guys, who's that on the floor?" Tekno asked as she pointed at the baby pixie.

I walked over to the pixie and realized that it's a baby pixie.

"It's a baby pixie. She's still sleeping," I said as I cradled it in my arms.

"Okay, let's place the woman in the resting chamber near the bathroom." Vector suggested.

"What about the baby pixie," Vanilla asked.

"Y/n and Lloyd would take the pixie under their care until the woman wakes up," He stated.

A few hours later, the woman woke up from her deep slumber and started looking for the baby pixie. 

 Wave walked inside of the resting chamber and noticed that the woman was awake.

"Mam, are you okay?" Wave asked.

"Where's Piff? Where is she?" Layla asked, worried.

"Piff? Oh, the baby pixie! Don't worry, Kitty and her boyfriend are taking care of her. Also your friends are in the meeting room right now, if you want to see them." Wave suggested.

Sonic and Y/N's mafia adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now