Judge Doom

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After we got back from the party in Coolsville, we got so tired that we went to our rooms to sleep. 

 The next morning, I slept until the afternoon and woke up when I heard Wave calling me from the kitchen.

"Y/N, come here! Time for brunch!" Wave yelled out.

"Coming, Auntie!" I yelled as I got out of bed.

I walked out of my bedroom and started eating some pancakes with sausage links. 

 After eating brunch, we heard a knock on the door and Wave told me to hide in the cushions on the couch.

"Who is it?" Storm yelled.

"It's Tikal the echidna, may I come in?" Tikal said.

"Sure you can! It's open!" Knuckles yelled out from the bathroom.

Tikal opens the door and Knuckles runs out of the bathroom to notice his beloved girlfriend in the living room with Wave.

"Tikal, Sweetie! What are you doing here?" Knuckles exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around Tikal's waist.

"Thought I could drop by to see you and your friends! It's been a while," Tikal said as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck.

"Oh Tikal, just to tell you. I'm officially now an Uncle," Knuckles stated.

"Wow! Congratulations, Hon! Where's your niece?" Tikal said, excitedly.

"She's on the couch, hiding between the cushions." Wave responded as she pointed at the couch where I'm hiding.

"Y/N, come on out. Your Auntie Tikal is here to see you." Knuckles said.

I poked my head out of the cushions and Tikal was shocked that her boyfriend's niece is actually a human child.

"It's a human, but a cute one too!" Tikal exclaimed.

"Little Red, this is your Auntie Tikal, my girlfriend." Knuckles said.

"Auntie Tikal!" I exclaimed as I jumped into her arms.

"Hi puppy, it's good to see you!" Tikal exclaimed as she hugged me tightly.

Charmy came to the living room and was shocked to see Tikal holding me in her arms.

"Tikal, it's been a long time since we last saw each other!" Charmy said.

"I know, I was surprised that there's a cute human child here. I'm officially her Auntie now!" Tikal responded, happily.

"Well, where are the rest?" Tikal asked.

"Sonic, Amy, Silver, Blaze, Shadow, and Rouge are in the dance room downstairs, doing the tango while some of them are off doing their normal stuff." Charmy answered.

Me, Tikal, and Knuckles went downstairs to the dance room and saw the others wearing their black coats trying to fix up their accessories. We walked inside of the room and started singing.

Start at 0:40, stop at 1:01 then resume.  Stop at 2:22, resume to play the music.

"Fighting with accessories," Blaze sang.

"Freezing down to our bones," Silver sang.

"And to top it all off, we're down here." Sonic sang.

"Feel like going insane?" Amy sang as she makes a flower hairpin.

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