Gozer the Destructor

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 Shout outs to the famous actors of the original Ghostbusters!

We got back home from Zootopia and it was nighttime when we got back. 

 I was very curious about how the citizens in Zootopia got involved in the search during my disappearance, but I wanted to ask Silver and Blaze in the morning 'cause I don't want to rush them with a bunch of questions. 

 The next morning, I woke up from Silver and Blaze's bedroom and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. 

 After freshing myself up, I walked over to the living room and saw a bunch of chocolates and cupcakes on the table with a note from Amy. I took the note off the table and started reading it.

"Hey Y/N, I was thinking about what you said that you wanted to make cupcakes with me, but instead I made you feel bad." I stopped as I felt the tears swelling in my eyes.

"As a sign of my apology to you, I've made some cupcakes for you. It's pumpkin spiced chocolate chip, your favorite. If you're wondering how I got the dark form, I got it 'cause I somewhat absorbed the negative chaos energy that causes me to get the negative emotions." I continued as the tears started coming out of my eyes.

"I didn't mean to scare you and please forgive me! I love you, my little niece! My little Rose! Love, your Auntie Amy." I finished as the note slipped off from my hand.

I went outside to the flower garden and saw Amy with Sonic sitting by the lake. 

 I went over to them and their eyes softened as they saw me in tears.

"Y/N, are you alright? Why are you crying?" Sonic asked, concerned.

"Auntie, I read your note." I said, softly.

Amy realized that I read her apology note and immediately hugged me as my tears started to shed. 

 Sonic knew what was going on and he joined in the hug as well.

"Shh shh. Please forgive me for what happened," Amy said.

"I already forgive you, Auntie. I know you didn't mean it," I responded, voice-cracking.

"Well if it makes you feel better, why don't we go to the library to see if they have any comic books over there?" Sonic suggested.

We nodded our heads and we started walking towards the library which is by my massage therapy place that I used to work. 

 We got inside of the library and I noticed the librarian was in a traumatic state. 

 I walked over to the librarian and she said that she saw something in the back where she kept all the books. 

 We started walking in the back room of the library and we saw the drawers that were covered with slime. 

 Amy took out the plastic container and started getting the samples of the unknown slime. 

 We walked further into the hallway and saw a librarian ghost reading a book. 

 Out of nowhere, Silver and the others came out behind us and pulled us into the hallway.

"Guys, did you see that?!" Amy whispered.

"Yeah, so what do we do?" I whispered.

"I have a plan. I know exactly what to do," Vector suggested.

We walked towards the ghost and it looked as if we're about to pounce on her.

"Ready... GET HER!!" Vector yelled.

We started charging at her, but then the ghost rises up into a raging demon-like spector and blasts us with a rush of hot breath.

 We started screaming and running out of the library as the head librarian started chasing us.

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