Feline Dion

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The next morning, me and Lloyd woke up from a good sleep. 

 We got up from the couch and walked over to the bathroom to do our normal bathroom routine.

"How was your sleep, hon?" I asked.

"I slept okay. How about you, little kitty?" Lloyd asked.

"I slept fine. I think my family came back from their wedding anniversary," I replied.

"Yeah, they probably came back late." Lloyd said.

We walked out of the bathroom and I suddenly saw a yarn ball on the rug. 

 I got down on all fours and walked over to the yarn ball to play with it. 

 Lloyd started giggling and started playing the yarn ball with me, but he got the mouse on a stick. 

 As I saw the mouse, I started playing with it trying to grab it and the rest of the others saw us in awe. 

 While I was playing with the mouse, Lloyd stopped flicking the toy mouse and saw the others looking at us.

"Morning, guys, how was the wedding anniversary?" Lloyd asked, nervously.

"It went fine until we saw Y/n acting like an actual cat," Silver replied.

"Not to mention, it was kinda cute that our little fashionista is now getting the instincts of a cat," Honey commented.

The ground started shaking like it's in the middle of an earthquake.

"What was that?" Nya asked in fear.

"Earthquake?" I asked while gripping on Lloyd's arm.

"No, WOOHP QUAKE!" Sonic yelled.

The cupboards sucked all of us into a big metal slide.

"HERE WE GO AGAIN!" I yelled.

"HOLD ON TO SOMEONE!" Zane yelled.

"TOO LATE FOR THAT ONE, ZANE!" Pixal yelled.

The metal slide sent us into the WOOHP jet in the skies and saw Sam, Clover, and Alex sitting on the air seats.

"Where's Jerry?" Fiona asked.

A passenger lady came towards us and took the mask off to reveal Jerry in disguise.

"Jerry?! Why are you wearing a dress," Sonic asked.

"I'm also practicing making disguises for the WOOHP spy convention," Jerry replied.

"Ok, any reason you brought us here?" Alex asked.

"That would be to inform you several events that have happened around the globe. Including the Great Sphinx of Giza being restored to its original luster, the sculptures of the presidents in Mount Rushmore being replaced with cat faces, and the rather odd occurrence to the leaning tower of Pisa." Jerry replied as he showed the picture of the cat faces from all over the world.

"Why odd?" Sam asked.

"You'll need to see that for yourselves.And now for your gadgets.Today, we have the launching pad platform shoes, the solid iron hair gel, the arctic blast breath mint, and the chameleon eyeshadow." Jerry said as he showed the gadgets to us.

"Nice," I commented.

"Prepare for landing," Jerry announced.

The jet took us to Italy and opened the secret hatch, making us fall out of the jet and landing on the roof of a house. 

 We got off from the roof and the spies used the chameleon eyeshadow to turn themselves invisible.

"Found anything," Lloyd asked.

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