59. An Idea 💭

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Authors Note:
In my story the characters speak through leglimency a lot. I am aware that when you use leglimency you can actually see what's going on in their head. But in my story you can not read their mind and see things.
You can only project what you would like to say.

(Sierras Pov)
It's December 7th. A weeks passed and there's a divide in our friend group. No one's even attempted talking it out.

Mattheo and Theo do their own thing.
Draco and Lorenzo are on the same side.
Blaise is in the middle because he gets both points.

And Pansy and I are taking a break from it all.
I haven't really spoken to any one but Pansy and Blaise this past week.

I sat in potions away from everyone and got out my stuff. There were dividers along the tables and I was confused.

Suddenly I remembered today was the day of the practice exams and I haven't started studying yet.


Professor Slughorn handed out the papers and we immediately got started.

I knew about half of the questions but even those I wasn't sure. I haven't gotten the chance to study yet because of everything that's happened but it was just a practice exam so no big deal.

Class ended and I went to COMC. Hagrid handed out the practice exam and it was the same thing.

I started stressing out because I really didn't know the answers and realized that if I don't study soon I'm fucked.

Finally that class ended and all I had left was DADA.

Unfortunately that class has been quite awkward since everyones split.
I sat in my seat and Pansy was already there.

"Todays the day of your practice exam everyone sit quietly and put up dividers." Said Snape.

"Wait the practice exam is today?" Asked Theo.
"Yes Mr. Nott that is what I just said." Said Snape.

We put up our dividers and he handed them out.
I looked at the first question and my mind went blank.

I decided to skip to the other ones and I was so lost.

I was fucked.
I answered the ones I knew but it was barely anything.

The exam was all multiple choice and it was out of 100. I knew maybe like half of the questions.

Usually I'm quite smart and am able to study but I couldn't this month.

It's okay it was practice.
I handed it in with it half blank.

"Ms Grace are you going to complete the exam?" Asked Snape.
"I'm sorry sir I don't know any of these."
"Very well." He said and took it from me.

I walked back and saw Draco looking at me.

I sat there with my head down because I had nothing else to do.
I knew in my gut that I failed every exam I took today.

There was about 20 minutes left in class and Draco got up to hand in his exam.

He looked at me as he walked back to his desk.

The bell rang and Pansy and I went back to the dorm.

"So how do you think you did?"
"I think I failed every one Pans. But it's fine cause I'll study and then do much better."

"Ya we still have like two weeks so you'll be fine."

The rest of the day passed like usual, Pansy and I went for a walk, we gossiped, we started studying, ate dinner and went to bed.

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