70. The Balcony 🔥

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(Pansys Pov)
I wasn't mad at Draco. I knew exactly what happened.

What happened to him wasn't his fault.
I learnt about this in a class I took over summer.

This is something that only happens to wizards with strong magic.
Draco unknowingly performed this.

"Lorenzo take me to Draco now."
"What is wrong with you." Said Enzo.

"No you don't understand. His magic took over it wasn't his fault. I'll explain it just take me to Draco."

"Pans I trust you. I think I know where he is."

(Lorenzo's Pov)
We re clothed ourselves and I apparated Pansy and I to the balcony.

As expected he was there on the floor.

Pansy ran over and put her hands on his shoulders.

"It wasn't your fault."
"It was." He said.

"No you don't understand. It literally wasn't your fault. Your a very powerful wizard you know."

He looked up at her and wiped his eyes.
"What?" He said.

Pansy laughed and I walked over.

"I'm sorry Lorenzo. I'm so fucking sorry." He said to me.

I wasn't ready to forgive him yet.

"I took a class over the summer and we learnt about something. And this something happened to you." Said Pansy.

Suddenly we hear laughing and guess who walked up.

Sierra and Mattheo.

"What is going on here." Said Sierra.

I looked at Mattheo and her. They were giddy and seemed really happy.

"Sierra you need to leave, please." Said Pansy.
"I'm sorry did we walk in on something." Said Mattheo.

Sierra walked behind Pansy and saw Draco on the floor.

"Oh my god Draco what happened."
"Sierra get out, please everyone leave me alone." He said.

"No Draco wait I need to tell you why it happened." Said Pansy.

"Why what happened?" Asked Sierra.

"Damn you guys are having a party up here and didn't invite me?"


"Fuck not you too." Said Draco.
"You all need to leave. Enzo, Draco and I were having a very important conversation." Said Pansy.

"I'm sorry but what's so important that I can't hear?" Asked Sierra.

"Just get the fuck out." Said Draco.
I grabbed Mattheo and Theo, and Pansy grabbed Sierra.

We tried dragging them out but they shoved themselves off.

Sierra kneeled next to Draco and grabbed his face.

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