Chapter 45: Never Turn Your Back

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This mysterious car pulled up on the side of us and first thing I thought in my mind drive by so I was going to start taking cover then the car window rolled down and a voice said. What you saying now punk I froze when the voice said that and Dion just looked at me. I was kind of afraid to turn around because what if this nigga going to shoot me I rather get shoot in my back then to see him pull the trigger and watch my life flash before my eyes and a white light come to take me home. I then build up the courage and to turn around and it was who I thought it was Trey and that dark dude. As I watch the dark dude open the car door he then revealed a cutlass and really big one. With no hesitation Dion jump kick the door which slammed the black dude and he fell. Before the black dude could have gotten up and in which he dropped the cutlass on the floor and Dion dive to get it.
Trey: Diamond chap this nigga in his head bey (As he looked at me from the other side of the car I became furious)

Dion and Diamond started to fight and I ran around to the other side of the car and I begin punching trey with loon rock hard fist punches straight to the face and his face was already dark and bruised from the the first time but I didn't care. I was beating the fuck out him and then I dragged him out of the car through the window and I took him by his shirt and throw him into the mirror I was going crazy. Whatever manic thing my mind told me to do I was doing it and I didn't have not one inch of care in my heart. I don't normally fight or look for trouble but when someone fucks with me or tries to harm me when we do get me to fight its deadly. Trey then got up and charged me and started to punch me yea he bust my lip again but I didn't feel a thing I was beating his ass again despite the blows he throwing on me I was a beast. I looked over at Dion and Diamond and they really was going at it, Dion was really protecting me. Dion charged and started shit before I got a chance to. I got even more angry I was going to kill this dude but somehow or another I checked myself and think what the fuck am I doing I am losing myself . I then looked over and saw that diamond was starting to get a upper hand over Dion so I punch Trey to the floor and rushed over to diamond and from behind I strike him a mighty blow to the neck and he dropped to the ground and I dropped to pick up Dion of the ground I was really impressed with him and no ly because of this and Chris stood me up Dion was starting to become appealing to me I am totally grateful. As I was picking him up so we can leave I suddenly felt something sharp stab me in my back and I didn't hesitate until I felt something warm running down my back. I took my shirt off took look at it and it was red. I have been stabbed in the back and I turned around to see Trey standing with a bloody knife and I drop to the floor and black out while trey and diamond took off. Last thing I saw was Dion talking on the phone then everything went Black.

I woke up in a creepy dark hospital room which was cold by the way, I was feeling very saw and I could feel the tight stitches in my back. I couldn't believe that this nigga stabbed me and I most defiantly going to get this nigga back I didn't want him go jail I wanted him to go six feet under. The door flew open and it was Dion.

Dion: You alright nigga I thought you was gone bruh you had me worried bey

Me: I thought I was gone to bruh .I blanked out but am here bruh, thank god but I seeking revenge

Dion: Mjay you know I like you bey and I could feel things bruh on the real, like how much hate you got for that nigga, you want tell me what gone down bruh be real. Besides the police want a report so what you want me tell them.

Me: Bey just tell them, they was trying to rob us but all us started to fight and I got stab I can't go into details about this shit bey and just give them some type description alright. I was going to handle this shit on my own bruh.

Dion: Nigga I only telling these niggas this only if promise that you going to be real with me, seriously bey

Me: Ok I will bruh on the real

Dion: Alright I going to talk to them bey and your parents and brother out there, Terry look like he ready to shoot someone dawg

Me: Dam I don't really want him know what gone down cause he will go get in some shit tonight but alright cool (I thought to myself that if terry know the dude that Chris use to fuck did this. he was going to kill them both) Chris for not handling his business and getting me involved and trey for fucking with me but no lie I want terry kill trey ass but I don't want him hurt Chris. Then the doors burst in it was my mom and dad and terry.

Terry: Bey who did this, tell me now

Me: Bro it was just some niggas trying to rob us but we handle them I just shouldn't have turned my back

Mom: Baby you ok, I was so worried

Me: Mom and cool just a little saw in the back

Dad: You sure son?

Me: Yea paps I cool man

Mom: Well I called the school they aint expecting you back this week ok and they will send your assignment and homework to our house with Dion when they are giving ok so you can rest baby

Me: Ok kool (I thought to myself I should have gotten stab lil while now if I get to get home treatment and work delivered and I really got to thank Dion he really did right by me. I didn't even heard or see Chris I was beginning to get worried.

Mom: But get dress ok they say you can leave now and you will come back in three weeks to take out the stitches.

Me: I ok mom I going to get dress I naked in this robe so I guess yawl could wait in the waiting room I going in the bathroom. I went in the bathroom to change in the clothes my mom had brought and they cleared the room. Then I got a strong knock on the bathroom door and I opened it. It was Chris and he came in the bathroom and pulled me into a big hug as tear dropped from his eyes.

Chris: (He crying and then he says) Baby I thought I was going lose you I rushed over here because I was to work, Nigga who did this shit to you, was it Trey!

Me: Yea it was him and dark nigga you knocked out but Chris where were you last night you had me worried sick about you bey, you never leave me hanging like that before. You didn't even call me this morning to say anything. I too weak right now to be angry but Chris please tell me you wasn't where I think you was

Chris: WTF you talking about now mjay, where is this place I was bey? With trey you mean? Bey never baby I with you I going to kill that nigga, he taking this shit to far

Me: No bey you! You let this shit gone on to far bey, this nigga was with you not with me but am the one getting sliced up Chris. If you loved me you should have checked this nigga regardless of what he was going to throw our way and as much as I don't want be out as long as I'm with you It's worth it nigga and I wouldn't care but nigga you know what go do you bey am tired of this shit

Chris; Mjay what you saying to me bey!! You aint leaving me bey!! (He got down on his knees) Mjay I love you nigga and you right nigga I should have been handle this shit but I will nigga he going to get dealt with

Me: Nigga real talk love aint the issue bey so don't say it , I know you love me and I love you with all my heart nigga but because of this shit I loosing myself bey. I becoming an animal even though the bitch deserve this cutass but it aint suppose to be my fight in the first place. Nigga I aint saying I leaving you that's the last thing I will do but nigga if you don't handle this nigga I will leave you to together to be alone cole. I then put on my clothes and open the bathroom door to leave when I saw Dion standing at the door.

My fellow readers sorry i took lil long i was helping out with some family problems but enjoy and Happy Valentines Day Lovers lol R.I.P to the Virginities that was lost today and tonight lol,, Give your boy some love with some likes and comments and am writing new chapter now to catch up ..Srry Again!!

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