Chapter 59: Sexy & He Know It

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We were sitting at the table in the food court and Chris was on his way over. Dion was looking at me and Shawn was looking at Dion, I guess they were in a un comfortable situation. He walked right behind Dion, I played like I didn't see him real talk then when he spoke I looked at him and he was looking right at me.

Chris: What lil niggas saying do, Shawn and Dion what you saying bey

Dion: Nothing bey then he looked at me and mumbled to Chris just here
handling your business (When Dion said that I open my eyes at him because he was trying to let Chris think we had something going to tug at him and see if it would piss him off but Chris just looked at me and didn't answer to it.

Shawn: Everything cool Chris, sup Jenifer I see yall doing some shopping huh

Jenifer: yea my boo just bought me so new earrings and we was looking at some rings, we just was looking (then she turned and look at me) Hey cutie

Me: Sup Jenifer you good, you looking good to man, ring? lol yall soon walk down the isle huh

Jenifer: Maybe never know

Me: cool yo, that's great am happy for yall, you two make a good couple (Lol it totally meant the opposite but in a way I was for him, that's what he wanted but he better not rush into it, they only been together going on two months I thought to myself.

Jenifer: Thank you so what yall doing here

Me: We just come to shop man and just chill

Chris: Yal going off tomorrow a? (he said that and looked at me)

Dion: Yea we going off tomorrow

Chris: You going to?

Dion: Yea bruh me and Shawn

Chris: Oh I here that (he looked right at me when Dion said that) we going to catch yall later have a safe trip I guess

Me: Yea bruh we will (He looked at me and him Jenifer walked away) Now yall niggas let's get the fuck out here before we someone else lmao, bey Dion you is something else bruh lmao I know what you was trying to do.

Dion: Lmao yeaa my bad for being disgusting dawg but that was my lil experiment to see if he was going to get mad or some shit lol. That nigga aint on that girl run ,,he been looking at you the entire time

Shawn: Yea bey mjay nigga was eying you all that time

Me: Yea I saw him, I guess he was looking to see If I was going to get petty and say chick this nigga been fucking me for months lmao but I aint like that man I happy for him. Speaking of girlfriend's bey Dion you tell that girl you going off bey she might want you bring her something back.

Dion: No! lmao bey me and that gal broke up like a week ago lmao

Shawn: Lmao bey serious why you didn't tell us, cock aint no good a bey lol

Me: Shawn you is one ass bruh lmfao

Dion: No bruh I found out she was fucking one next nigga from school bey, see why you better use your condoms on these hoes, lmao her pussy wasn't saying nothing anyway lol ,that shit was slack as fuck. (We reach the car and got inside and turn on AC) bey you know what I like about ass it never gets slack bey like with pussy it only tight tell you get in but when you start stroking shit then slack. A nigga with some good tight ass is the shit bey lmao.

Me: Lmao nigga you crazy do, but that's why niggas into niggas these days, ass better man lmao like Chris say pussy out of style I guess.

Shawn: Lmao Chris says so, that would tell you he aint into that chick lmao

Dion: exactly Shawn lol

We reach home and all us was in my room just chilling I had my laptop going with some tunes and shit and we had planned not to go sleep we was just going to bath and go to the airport. Terry came in the room and brought some drinks and one pizza he brought home and he was on my floor playing and cutting up with Shawn. They just were so cute lmao I never seen my brother like this lol like he say the heart wants what the heart want lol. Dion was laying in my bed with his hands behind his head with a beer and pizza on the stand watching TV. He was lying in my bed and he had on just a black singlet and red jersey basketball pants and how he was laying you and see his dick curled on his leg. It was a sight to see and a total turn on but we boys now though I aint going to fuck with him but hey he his single now so I won't be doing nothing wrong we would just will be friends with benefits and I aint see nothing wrong with that. I guess we will see what happen but I was packing a few stuff in one carryon bag because I was going to bring Miami back lol. Hours pass and we were still in my room talking shit and playing music but I was getting so sleepy lmao I don't know if the plan we had was going to work lmao. So I claimed in my bed alongside Dion and I was knocked out. At that moment Dion was knocked out and Shawn and terry went in terry's room next thing I know mom was walking us up to go bath for the flight and this was at 3 in the morning. My mother is a person who don't like be late for anything I woke up and could smell breakfast cooking.

Mom: Dion wake up baby

Dion: Mom I up (lol it just formality that all my friends call my mother mom because she just does take them in and like they her own children and Dion grew close to her)

Mom: Yall get ready I have breakfast on the stove coming up in a bit then she left and close the door and I could hear her banging on terry door telling him and Shawn to get up.

I got up out the bed to shake this sleep off and Dion jumped up same time and turned to me and his morning wood was in full effect, god dam It was big just poking out in them boxers. I don't know whether he was doing it on purpose or it was just my horness that coming back on and I looked down I had morning wood to. I shock it off and went in the tub to bath lmao and I came out with towel around me. Dion was going in the tub and he ask for a drying off towel and I said I going to get one for you. He told me no and he yuck the towel off me from behind.

Dion: Dam dam dam!! mjay that's a nice ass nigga, fuck dread

Me: Lmao nigga just go bath bey, I can't believe you just yuck that towel off me and I walked over to my draw and put on my boxers (he was watching me the entire time) Bey lol and I say go bath

Dion: Lol I going now I only wanted one last look lol

Me: Here (I turn around and pull my boxers down quick and gave him his last look lol cause I'm the king of tease) Lol you satisfied?

Dion: Lmao not really , lol one more time

Me: Fuck you nigga lmao go bath your sour balls

Dion: How you know they sour you taste them a

Me: Lmao I laughed so hard, Dion bey why don't you just go bath and stop playing with me lol

Dion: Lmao nigga I aint playing, I serious with this shit nigga lol

Me: that's just your hormones just go bath nigga (I started to lotion off my body and he still was watching me)

Dion: You even sexy while you lotioning that body, you a old tease nigga lol

Me: Nigga that's what you going to get if you don't go bath lol

Dion: Any way I going bath.

So I heard the water turn on and I just wanted to get a peak of his body before I go turn put on my clothes and he left the bathroom door crack so I went to peak lol I'm horny lol forgive me. I was looking and he was washing his chest then he ran the towel down to his hard dick. He liked the feeling I guess then I saw him start rubbing his nipples and was stroking that dick. I was too tempted to join him but then a voice shouted nigga what you doing! shit I got caught , I turn around it was Shawn laughing.

Me: lol nigga shut up and leave me am horny you get your dick on the regular lol but come look at this nigga do real talk sexy mudda fucker, and keep it down. (Shawn looks at me and says dam nigga packing and got a nice ass and body, he sexy and he knew it too)

Terry: what yall niggas peeping at though he bust the bathroom door open and said bey Dion you know these niggas peeping at you (Dion burst out laughing) Shawn I going bust your ass you know.

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