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<<<Thursday morning, 9:10AM>>>

Jeonghan's pov

I'm currently seated looking at the notebook wondering why the hell is the chemistry professor such a pain in the ass... calling us out at the board to solve some dumb chem problems? I hope they don't pronounce my name because I really don't feel like getting up.


No fucking way, tons of people and my introvert ass gotta get up and solve something. Lame lame lame. When's life gonna take a different turn huh?

Chemistry is totally fun but going to university really is something, meeting and befriending anyone became the hardest and rarest thing, you have a circle of friends and that's it. You don't get to know all the names of your "classmates", if that's how we still call them, so I guess for me keeping Seungcheol, Junhui, Wonwoo, Chan, Vernon, Seungkwan, Mingyu, Minghao, Dokyeom and Woozi as my childhood besties turned out to be really something throughout this whole uni experience.

I'm currently in my second year, Woozi followed a different course at the same institute so we still see each other. There's also my brother Dokyeom, first year, he has his own group of friends, Mingyu and Minghao, going to the institute with him, while Seungkwan, his boyfriend Vernon and Chan are still in high school. We all make a huge group of friends together and I'm truly grateful to have such precious and wholesome people in my life. Luckily our university and the high school share the library, the cafeteria and partially even the backyard with outdoor benches, chairs and tables, pretty convenient for all of us to meet, talk and update each other about everything.

I can certainly say they are all my brothers rather than best friends, we grew up together, shared so many experiences together and thank God stayed as one all this time.

During our gap year before starting off university, Cheol and I worked and earned enough money to pay for our uni fees since we also had to move altogether. Of course another motive was to stick together and face new adventures as one, especially because stepping into uni life has always fascinated us and gave us hope into finding our significant others. High school gave us little to no chance for most of us because of assignments and homework, and during free time, alongside the younger ones as well, we went out and joked around, being totally childish and a pain in the ass for the whole neighborhood sometimes.

And now back to class...

I zone out often, I gotta admit that, staying still and constantly listening to the professor talking really takes a great amount of effort for me.

I love chemistry, I really do, but I really can't help but look around and see new people that joined this year and come from the previous one or people with such a cool fashion style I wish I had.

Cheol, Wonwoo and Jun are sitting right next to me and they're super serious about listening to the lecture... they look enchanted or something right now. It freaks me out at times.They don't even look around or get distracted by the tiniest details, let alone joke with me.
At least after chemistry's over I can nap during the break, hoping the biology professor wouldn't bother me once they come in.

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