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Joshua's pov

The evening was a quiet one.
As soon as we got home we tried on the clothes we previously bought again, just in case, and put them in the laundry basket after confirming they fitted just right.

After checking out the stuff we purchased, Jeonghan made beef stew and veggie rice and we peacefully ate with no mention whatsoever of the earlier remarkable encounter.

Goodness how I wished I didn't see her. She hadn't been on my mind for a while now and appearing just like that brought back many distressing memories I didn't wanna dig up.

Now we were sitting in the living room on the leathered black sofa Hoshi and I bought on sale before moving in. It was cozy and soft, the kind of sofa that when you sit on it you literally just sink in the deep cushions.

Jeonghan had also made us some chamomile tea in order to cool us down and thus created a warmer and easing ambiance in the dim light of the apartment.

We both enjoyed each others' presence, our heartbeats had now synchronized as I layed my head on his chest while he kept on slowly sipping on his hot tea from the white polished mug.

"How can such a person even leave like that" I softly uttered.
"She's", I stopped, "she was, yeah she was my... my mother".
The tone of my voice seemingly became lower as I mouthed those last words.

"She doesn't and she will never deserve you Joshuji" Jeonghan said as he softly caressed me from the side.

"I know" I replied.
"Having you is all I need Hanni. Thank you once again" I continued as a faint smile formed on my gloomy face.

"I love you and you're everything to me Joshua stop thanking me" Jeonghan spoke with light annoyance at my apparently dumb expression of gratitude.

"I'm sorry I reacted like a silly person earlier" I gazed down and began fidgeting with the end of a thread coming out of my blue hoodie.

"Hey you're silly by apologizing for such a thing" Jeonghan now gently caressed my cheek, with his warm and delicate touch that mesmerized me, "you reacted like anyone would have if they went through what you did... it's totally normal and nothing to feel ashamed of. Please don't feel that way Joshuji" Jeonghan added.

"I didn't know what to do honestly. It's been years now since I've last seen her. She apparently went through alcohol rehab since I've never seen her looking decent like today" I spoke as I could still vividly capture her indifferent stance to my presence today.

"I've considered my parents, I mean I still consider them... dead to me. After the emotional distress they made me go through...the inner scars they left... the damage they've done to both Taemin and I" I briefly paused, "And when that car accident occurred and after I underwent all those surgeries and they never showed up, I genuinely felt abandoned. I couldn't just expect from them anything any more" I took a deep breath as I paused once again, "that's why when we met up with Taemin they were never brought up throughout the conversation" I stated as I kept on talking, "they just carry too much torment" I sighed at my last remark.

All he could do was softly nod at what I said. "I see" he softly uttered with his delicate voice.

But it left me wondering... Jeonghan never spoke to me about his family.

Apart from Dokyeom, he had mentioned having busy parents, too work absorbed, as both were managers of an airplane line and had to travel a lot because of that. But I was curious since I've never seen him FaceTime or text them.

"Hey babe uhm" I spoke with a soft tone.

"What about your parents?"

Jeonghan quickly followed to take a deep breath.

"Uhm...They're busy Joshua" he uttered as he had stopped his delicate strokes on my side.
"When they come we'll see them" he added.

"When's that?"

"I don't know. Their lives are hectic and strenuous so I don't wanna bother them with my messy one", he paused for a brief moment, "I've talked with them a month ago actually, you weren't home that day" Jeonghan paused once again as I sat up, distancing my head from his chest and turning towards him.

"My mom certainly wants to meet you" he softly chuckled.

A light smirk formed on my face as I gently punched his right shoulder, pushing him to the side of the sofa, a blush had tinted my cheeks.

"Yahhh" he immediately said with a more high pitched voice. With eyes and mouth wide open in "fake" irritation.

"Look he followed your squeaky voice now!" I pointed to Niki, my cat, as I saw him strolling towards the sofa we were seated on.

Jeonghan had moved his hand closer to the little animal to gesture him to come. Niki quickly ignored him turning around in the opposite direction.

"Ah this little one!" Jeonghan spoke in what seemed real irritation now. "He's been chewing on my shoes and hating on me since I moved here you know Joshuji" he continued in annoyance.

I looked at him and quickly bursted in laughter.

He appeared like he was about to cry.

"Aw my poor baby" I moved him closer, holding him by the cheeks. He softly smiled at my gesture and relaxed on my chest.

"How come you're always so warm babe" Jeonghan uttered.
"Your heart beats so fast... are you okay?" He suddenly spoke bringing his head farther from my chest now and glanced at me with a worried gaze.

"That's entirely because of you dear. I'm perfectly fine, you just make my heart beat faster" I giggled.

A sweet and caring smile had now marked his face expression as it softened to my remark.
He gently followed to rest his head back on my bursting chest.

As exhausted as our bodies and minds could be, we soon drifted off that night in each others' embrace on the soft sofa that was warmly embracing the both of us.

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