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Jeonghan's pov

I grinned at him, standing up and holding his hand.

"We should definitely go on one, maybe today?" I added.

Joshua seemed a bit lost now. "Uhm Jeonghan?" He looked down.


"I have an appointment later in the afternoon", "a doctor appointment" he added after a brief pause.

"Oh I see..."

"I mean uhm.. I haven't told you yet, but I had an accident some time ago, it involved some surgeries because of its severity," my face expression began to change, "it's just a check up to know if everything's alright" he added.

"I see" I responded. I certainly didn't expect such a thing. I caressed his arm in reassurance and he softly smiled at me, "so you're okay now right?" I added.

"Yup" a bright smile followed.

"How about tomorrow for dinner?" He then added, with an excited face.

"Sounds great Joshuji, I'm looking forward to it" I responded.

We then headed out in the living room to watch a horror movie together.

Hoshi invited the others over to watch it with all of us, although not all of them could come, it was just Seungcheol, Woozi, and Chan.

We managed to all get seated and eat some snacks too.

Joshua and I sat next to each other and we kept grabbing each other by the arm since we got startled at times.

He ended up resting his head on my shoulder while I held his hand.

After it was over, it was lunch time so we left Hoshi and Joshua since the latter had the doctor check up soon.

I greeted them and then hugged Joshua.

"Text me when you get home safe, okay?" I whispered to his ear. He nodded gently smiling.

Me and the others got home and had instant ramen since everyone was pretty busy.

Some of us weren't home.
Mingyu, Wonwoo, Minghao and Jun went shopping this morning and they stopped to eat at McDonalds. A double date I guess?
Vernon and Seungkwan went hiking in the mountains since it was a sunny and warm day.
While Dokyeom, Woozi, Chan, Seungcheol and I were now eating together and discussing about what's up and whatnot.

"So how did it go?" My brother looked at me after a moment of silence had followed.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused at Dokyeom's question.

I was earnestly playing with the noodles with my chopsticks.

"You know what I mean" he paused, "what WE mean" he added, he smiled looking at the others.

Perhaps I should've told them I'd spend the night at Joshua's. Is he talking about that?

"Oh I'm sorry for not telling you in advance I'd sleep out" I apologized.

"We figured you wouldn't duh" Woozi laughed, witn an obvious expression.

"So?" Seungcheol wondered with a smirk on his face. I was thinking about what could they possibly mean.

Ohhhh, I see. Maybe about Joshua and me?

"Dont bring this out with Joshua but" I paused taking a deep breath in, "we kissed", I quickly added.

Seungcheol suddenly put down his chopsticks and stood up starting to clap his hands.

H-he's clapping his hands? What?

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