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Jeonghan's pov

"Alright whatever" his response.

He can't be seriously mad at me. AGAIN.

It's not like I don't wanna get to know him in real life one day, but I currently just don't feel like meeting a stranger out of nowhere. He might be right about all this but I just can't let him win this easily. I wanted to tease him a little bit, but he just doesn't let me? I think I'm gonna have to reconsider all the options and stop seeing this as just a game since he's all so serious about it, for the sake of actually befriending someone.

As the day passes on and I leave to go back to the dorms with the others, I keep being deep in thought, thinking about what happened today with the fashionable guy... he wants me to tutor him? But then again that Airdrop boy... ughhhhh

Crap I can feel my head is exploding so I try to stop this feeling by distracting myself listening to music. As soon as I get home I throw myself on the bed and instantly fall asleep.


<<<NEXT FRIDAY, 7:00AM>>>

I wake up feeling somewhat grumpy as I look out the window and see the rain falling heavily on the street.
I observe the cars that stopped at the red light. I yawn. I'm tempted to fall back on the bed just seeing Seungcheol still deep in his sleep on the opposite side of the room.

I proceed to stretch my body and get up. I head out to the kitchen and I see breakfast already set on the table, with Jun standing in front of the coffee machine.

Americanos, fuming scrambled eggs, bowls of rice, broccolis in a covered pan and toasted bread with organic strawberry jam.

I swear Jun is the best. He woke up earlier than everyone to make everything ready in time, he's so dear to us.

I smile at him and back hug him as he was pouring the coffee in the assigned cups.

"Ohh hyung, you're awake! Good morning", He says with his raspy morning voice.

"Good morning to you! Yah thank you for all of this you shouldn't have Junni" I sat down on a chair and as I pronounced those words a running Minghao came in the kitchen and grabbed a toast right away. "Woah this is delicious".

As if he was copying me, he hugged Jun from the back too.
This time the energy felt totally different though. I could clearly see the chemistry between the two, as soon as Jun became a whole blushing mess that confimed the sensation I had from them.
Minghao from the back was smiling from ear to ear with his eyes closed. Once he let loose of Jun, the older finished pouring coffee and turned to look at Minghao, giving him a small peck on the forehead.

I wonder if they're actually a couple or what, I mean they surely act like one.
I guess if that's the case they're gonna announce it sooner or later.
All of this drama scene happened in front of my eyes by the way. Yes, I did feel kinda awkward but I was too absorbed in eating what was on the table. Plus I wasn't alone anymore, since everyone had joined following Minghao's hasty entrance.

Mingyu, Wonwoo, Seungcheol, Dokyeom and Woozi. The younger ones, Chan, Seungkwan and Vernon lived on their own in the same condo so we didn't get to share our meals all the time except on Friday evenings, weekends and lunch breaks at school.

The previous week we befriended two other guys and I really feel them close to our group now. I can almost say that we all click as one now. I wonder if they'll ever join our special gatherings.

I genuinely hoped so.

As we all ate, Jun and Minghao kept giggling on their own and they appeared kinda distant from the rest of the group. They were even shamelessly sharing their chopsticks as Jun fed Minghao some of his broccolis.

"Hey you two share the joke with us" Woozi was talking to them now.

"What?" Jun looked at him.

"Yeah we wanna laugh too" I said smirking at the two. At this point Minghao laughed.
"Guys I thought it was pretty obvious now come on..." Dokyeom looked at everyone but the two lovebirds. "...They are flirting" he continued, grabbing another piece of scrambled eggs and glancing at us, as if waiting for our response.

"Or they're even a couple already" Wonwoo added smirking and proceeding to take a sip of his coffee.

"WHAT NOW" Jun rested his chopsticks now, taken aback from Dokeyom and Wonwoo's remark "what's with all the nosiness y'all" Jun added sulking.

"I mean aren't we dating babe?" Minghao was looking at Jun now.

The older looked embarrassed and just looked down. Perhaps he wasn't ready to admit it to us? He surely seemed tense and also avoiding to approach the topic.

"Whatever is going on just make sure to keep it healthy and love each other no matter what, as best friends, lovers, companions, roommates... it doesn't matter" Seungcheol finally spoke.

He gazed at them in all seriousness, then he proceeded to take his last bite of scrambled eggs and rice in all tranquility.

"Now organize a date or something, play some games, I don't even know! Even a "bestie" date would be good hehe" Dokyeom giggled and kept insisting, gaining a strange look from Cheol, who desperately wanted to close off the conversation to ease off Junhui and Minghao.

"Even I know the basics... me who never dated before" Wonwoo said with a lower tone, enough high to be heard by someone.

Mingyu, who suddenly stopped chewing as if bothered by something.

Meanwhile Wonwoo tried to keep his gaze straight at the two, avoiding Mingyu's, which now was directed at him. Suddenly Mingyu sighed and put down his chopsticks.

Everyone now was looking at him, his eyes were somewhat disappointed.

"Guys" he spoke. "...actually" he took a breath and looked at Wonwoo. "We're dating" he looked at the boy next to me, which was none other than Wonwoo, who looked like he was sweating for a while now. "Yea Mingyu and I are dating" Wonwoo nervously added.

"WHAT YOU TWO???" Woozi asked dumbfounded.

"I freaking knew it" Dokyeom said.

"Wait what?" Wonwoo looked at my brother.

"You thought no one would notice you two sneaking out whenever you've got a chance? Also all the giggling and calling each other names? "Gyugyu"? Seriously? I knew it all along" he laughed glad they finally announced.

Mingyu threw him a death glare, followed by Wonwoo's.
They clearly didn't want Dokyeom to point out all of that, specially in front of everyone.

"I'm glad we've got not only two other lovebirds, but four! Yahh this makes me so happy" I said standing up, trying to calm down and ease the situation. Which apparently worked since they all smiled at my remark.

"Everyone now go and get ready. We're leaving in ten" Cheol followed standing up and going to his room. Him and I were driving.

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